Reconciliation with France

Day 667, 03:50 Published in Canada Switzerland by HuCard

As you all know, we are officially still in a state of open war with France. But with the current threat which Iran poses (snicker), our territories still partially occupied by the enemy, and the war in the States below us still waging at full force, I believe that we should sue for peace with them.

There are of course ones of you who might feel hurt due to the severe damage France inflicted upon us and the violation of our sovereignty they committed, followed by a long unjust occupation of our lands. Some of you might even be calling for revenge and wish for nothing but to repay France for the things they did to us, which is just as understandable. However, these stances will not get us anywhere.

We share a permanent border with France and in theory they could attack us at any time. Which they most likely won't be doing right now, as they would have to face all of EDEN, but we can't forever rely on our allies to substitute a secure border and stable relationships with our neighbours. It should be in our own interest to sue for peace and perhaps gain new allies in the nations bordering us, even if it is hard to try and forgive them certain mistakes they made in the past.

I do however oppose the plan our president Jacobi talked about in an article of his. One involving incorporating into the peace treaty the loaning of gold to the French and already granting companies they might erect here in the future certain privileges of being exempt of taxes. I do not oppose these measures per se, but see them only as a viable option after we have already come to more friendly terms with our overseas neighbours; if they were to be a condition of our peace, it would forever be tainted by the impression that we desperately had to buy it, that it was not a bilateral act of reconciliation but a one-sided one aiming solely for military security without any deeper ties. Not to mention France could use the gold we loan to them against our allies.

On the other hand, walking around like an arrogant peacock, waving their failure to keep our regions in front of their face and not showing any willingness to make a friendly move towards them or possibly even posing demands for a peace or threatening them with invasion is a much inferior option. A flimsy ceasefire that does not pierce the heart of our troubles will not last for long and be more of a burden than a loss thereof.
In my opinion the only viable solution consists of a condition-less white peace, perhaps including a friendly gesture to show our current enemies that we're serious. To offer them to build a hospital or defence system in their country which they would then do for us later on might be a safe and gentle way to express our real intents.

This is a topic hotly discussed and my opinion is but one of many, but I felt urged to hear the public's opinion of this matter and reveal my humble one to the open, as I am convinced the best for Canada is to settle old feuds and make peace with foes who have the potential to become great allies. Plus, this peace would again give us more options to act against our true enemies, those who are still holding such vast parts of this country in their greedy hands, and are still desiring to devour the rest of our beautiful nation as well.