Recognize Kosovo.

Day 1,654, 00:34 Published in Albania Albania by jankeri

Pasiqe serbet ia bene report ketij artikulli dhe Plato dihet se eshte ne anen e tyre dhe ma fshiu artikullin, po e ripublikoj perseri.

Because serbs reported this article and we all know that Plato favors them and deleted my article without no reason, I'm republishing it again.

Dear admins of eRepublik.

Im jankeri, currently I'm citizen of Albania, because my country Kosovo is not listed and is owned by Serbia.
I would like to inform you about the situation of Kosovo.

Kosovo declared independence in 2008
Kosovo is recognized by Usa, France, Uk, Italy, Germany, Swiss, Canada.
Kosovo passports and other state documents are recognized even by China, Russia, and Greece.
Kosovo is recognized by almost 100 states.
International Court of Justice declared that Kosovo did not breach international laws when it declared indipendence from serbia , here you have the link:
Kosovo began officially negotiations with the EU for free visa travel

serbia in 1999 started a genocide campaign against Kosovo as you can see here

Here you can see the massacres of serbia in Kosovo

So dear admins, Kosovo is inhabited 92% by ALBANIANS and it is not correct what you are doing with the Kosovo case.
You can see here in the official website of Central Intelligence Agency of US (CIA)

All the facts are in favor of Kosovo, this games is based in reality, and the reality is that Kosovo is an independent country and it is time for you to officially recognize Kosovo.

Sot miq te dashur mora nje pergjigje nga stafi i

Dear citizen,

thanks for your message. The implementation of region Kosovo has been discussed and voted by the community. You can read everything about that here:

The eRepublik Team

Pasiqe natyrisht nuk u pajtova me mendimin e tyre une e nisa edhe nje tjeter kerkese.

I understand that you have taken a poll so we can vote.

Have you taken in the consideration the fact that Serbia has 15834 active players and Albania has only 3540 active players. (The numbers are from today)

This is an automatic win for Serbia, and you know it, considering that they have more than 12000 players than we do.
I presented you all the facts that Kosovo is a free and independent nation.
Plus Kosovo will have the help of Albania and its allies.

You have to change you attitude towards us.
Plus if you recognize Kosovo as an independent country, there will be more fights with serbs, more money spent, more Gold spent, more battles, it is a WIN-WIN situation for all the sides involved.

I know that the creators of are from Spain, and I know the problem that Spain has with Catalonia and the Basque community but let me remind you that the case of Kosovo is totally different to Spain's.
Kosovo is inhabited 92% by Albanians and that is a fact that you are ignoring.
As you may have heard FIFA also blocked Kosovo to play international matches , but now, they have changed and FIFA is recognizing Kosovo and it is allowing Kosovo to participate in friendly matches.

Please can you give us a simple answer: Why is not recognizing Kosovo?
Give us a simple fact, a single prove. Which rule will you break if you recognize Kosovo.?
Organizing a poll when we all know that serbia by far is going to win it , is not right, that is injustice.
This is a game, Kosovo is a free state and we have every right to seek what is right.

I live in Kosovo, I would like to be able to choose my own country.
Please take that into consideration.

Si duket adminat sot jane shume te shpejt te japin pergjigje negative ndaj qeshtjes se Kosoves, pas kerkeses se dyte me erdhi edhe nje pergjigje.

Dear citizen,

Kosovo republic doesn't exists in the Real Life, neither here, so you can live in Albania.

Best regards and happy gaming moments,
The eRepublik team

Ja edhe letra ime e trete.

I know that you are pro-serbian, but please do not insult me like that. You are denying the existence of an entire nation. I didn't expect I would hear such thing from you.
You should be ashamed of yourself Lilly P.
Let me tell you that REPUBLIC OF KOSOVO does exist, but there are some "people" who can not accept this fact.

Pas kesaj pergjigje ajo cka na mbetet neve eshte qe ti bejme sa me shume VOTE ketij artikulli dhe ti tregojme pakenaqesite tona ndaj adminave.

Ju bej thirrje te gjithe shqiptareve ne eRepublik qe dijne te shkruajne anglisht, le ta dergojne edhe ata nga nje leter, ne menyre qe ti bejme presion Adminave, dhe tua bejme me dije se nuk e kemi harruar Kosoven.

@serbs, you can report this article because this is the only thing that you can do about Republik of Kosova. Because Kosova is OURS.