Real World: 2 - Day 813 of the New World

Day 813, 17:03 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Real Worl😛 2 - Day 813 of the New World

Greetings to all

Before I begin with another day in the life of Ciel Phantom, I shall go on to state a few facts. Now the first one is related to recent comments and comments that forever have been posted. Comments that are directed towards citizens of a certain country for their President's actions. It is really appropriate to do this? I mean after all, not all citizens were in support of the actions and not all even participated, if it was a war, in that particular war. Now, onto some thing I have realized in eRepublik. Specifically, the war department. Say a country was to attack the two smallest countries and the attacker was..uhm..eUSA?..And they were successful in taking over all regions. Would they be able to handle all the rebellions/revolts and etc? Probably not and the countries would eventually come back onto the map. A solution to this could simply be "Time Management". For higher experienced players (13+ as this is basically the level you can do everything) there should be a military status and when if it goes down to zero, they are unable to fight for a period of two-three days. Not only would this force the buying of more weapons, it would also show the symbolic attributes our eRepublik soldiers to real life soldiers as it would take uhm..semi-bravery to give up that much days of fighting.

Limo that is used in this story:

The night before tonight had been full of excitement and discussion. The events that took place were so intense that the prince, Ciel Phantom had barely gotten any sleep time and so was very tired when the sound of his alarm began to stream through his ears. Ciel Phantom was quick to fall back asleep but was reminded by his Butler that he had a very important meeting with several persons today. Ciel quickly put on his suit which he was given the right to as the Prince of Austria and walked out of the door to a new limo as his old one was damaged because of the riots taking place in Austria. This limo was sent by the ones that worked for the King himself. Ciel was driven to a private location in Salzburg to have a meeting with the one known as, Yonai Keiko, former Minister of Defense.

The meeting went on for a few hours now. Yonai Keiko flipped out a map and quickly circled areas where riots had been taken place, Ciel Phantom pointed his finger to an area in Vienna, "I think it would be best to target here first. The rioters have gone a bit too far." Yonai Keiko responded, "I agree, after all, we do have our most important structures here.". "So, as Prince, I will put together a group of law enforcers and make sure that the riot turns back into a protest. It seems like not all have cooled down after Mr.Ball's term in office. I just hope the current President, Borojevic is able to put an end to all this.". "Well, we never know what the future may hold", Keiko said before raising her hand to signal the end of the meeting. "Thank you for setting up this meeting, it has been very productive" said Ciel before gathering his items and taking to the streets of Salzburg in his limo.

Ciel Phantom suddenly heard a noise, gun shots. It was at a protest in Salzburg. Now, Salzburg hasn't really been a main focus and was moderated slightly. Ciel Phantom quickly rushed out of his limo and took cover, analyzing the area, spotting the shooter. It had been some Croatians who were sent to assassinate the Socialist Party President. Tensions between Croatia and Austria have risen within the last few months and it was known that our former president went there as he would be welcomed there after all the riots he had left in Austria. Ciel Phantom reached into jacket and pulled out his Walther P38 and quickly slid out from behind cover and began shooting at the two armed Croatians. One of them was hit in the chest as the bullet stroke him right in the heart. Blood poured out and the man fell to the floor. The shootout continued. Two innocents were stroke by the Croatian. Ciel Phantom was behind the wall and waited till he heard the man reloading. Ciel once again slid out from behind cover aimed at the man's forehead and shot two bullets, both hitting the target. Rioters ran and police quickly arrived. "I believe they were Croatians" Ciel had said to the Sergeant as he jotted down notes. "With this, I am ordering that all riots be monitored. This is our main priority as this is where all the crime is likely to happen. In the case that crime should happen elsewhere, I want two military soldiers to be sent.". The Sergeant nodded and responded "I will get my squad on it. You handled the situation perfectly, sir."

Ciel Phantom sighed as he read the newspapers. So many kind hearted people attempting change in eAustria he thought to himself. I am a member of Congress and so far it has proven to be worth it's weight. Ciel Phantom then stared at his gun. Hm, I have brought in many to this country as part of my Initiative and helped start-up companies...Maybe, it's true, I can't offer much more to the citizens. Ciel Phantom was "woken up" by knocking on his door. He rushed to it and opened it. to the face of........(To Be Continued)

Ciel Phantom/Kai (To the NSS people)
Prince of eAustria