Real World - 1 - Day 809 of the New World

Day 809, 21:49 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Real Worl😛 1 - Day 808/9 of the New World

Greeting to all,
Real Worl😛 1 - Day 809 of the New World

I have decided to start "The Real World" today, keep in mind though, it is still a story and nothing else so please, read it as a story and do not judge it as an article. I shall give out a few more notes before actually writing the story. Please, read notes, they are an important factor in this story. I wish to thank all those who have been following up on my articles for some time now. My media career has to be the most important thing to me in my eLife and so of course, my readers have to be a precious group.

* = Note
() = Out of Character

*Main Character Info

Name: Ciel Phantom
Age: Twenty-One
Location: Styria, Austria
Role: Prince of Austria

Impatient/Temperamental and can also be very demanding and untrustworthy. This being put aside Ciel Phantom is found to be a very respectable man in Styria and none the less, the other Austrian regions.

Ciel Phantom has black spiky hair just as the one in the picture showed above and sports traditional Austrian military clothes. Ciel Phantom is also seen in famous British trends and some of those being the official clothing that is worn when an announcement is made by royalty, a British tuxedo and other clothing such as jackets and vests.

Background Story:

*Of course, none of the main character's information represents my eLife information excluding my location and role (😛).

It had been 10:00 AM when Ciel Phantom had been awoken. The alarm still ringing in his ears made it hard to forget that he was to submit his vote today which would contribute to the decision of who shall be elected as country president. This was of course the most talked about event in the city of Styria as there was not much more to discuss in such a small country. By now Ciel Phantom had finished brushing his teeth and doing his other daily tasks and so approached his coat rack. He placed his military hat on and his coat and pants then quickly took leave to the streets of Styria. Ciel stared at others as they mumbled underneath their breath. Ciel had now felt insecure as he did not feel comfortable wandering the streets as a prince without any protection.

By now Ciel Phantom had reached the building where votes were taken. Ciel approached one of the persons stationed there and was handed a ticket. He checked the circle next to a name, indicating who he had voted for and of course it was Oraizan who he had been a long time supporter of. But, it was still the hardest decision Ciel Phantom was forced to make. Ciel Phantom had also been a supporter of Borojevic von Bonjar. Ciel Phantom then began to walk out but was approached by loud voters, "Its the Prince!", "Sir, may we know who you voted for?". As soon as that question arose, Ciel quickly walked out the door and returned to his old school limo.

Ciel Phantom ordered the driver to drive towards the military camp in Styria where the troops were apparently going to march towards Carinthia. This march was carried out for more than century. All military camps in Austria were required to do this annual march to a state which is bordered to the current state they are in. Ciel Phantom arrived quickly and began speaking "Comrades, today we conduct our annual march to Carinthia. We shall go onwards in two hours and let this day be remembered, not because you continued a tradition but because of the fact you are here today to carry out that tradition". Yelling was heard from every direction as the troops geared up and began putting themselves into a formation. Ciel Phantom returned to his limo but was approached by a troop with his rifle pointed to the head of Ciel Phantom. Bullets were fired; Thankfully it was not by that man. He was unmasked and examined. He turned out to be a Spaniard who had just gone to battle in Upper Normandy, France.

Ciel Phantom arrived in Upper Normandy hours later and was greeted by French troops and other allies. A fellow Austrian said to the prince "Sir, your gear is hidden in the fort to the left. We are currently progressing greatly in the war, we must keep this region.". Ciel Phantom rushed towards the military fort and geared up. He equipped himself with a 1994 German Luger and an automatic rifle. Many round were fired on the battlefield. Ciel felt a slight sting in his left arm and when Ciel stared at that arm he discovered that blood was pouring down. However, this did not stop the Prince as he quickly fired nine rounds at the opposing troops. Ciel Phantom went back to reload and fired many more rounds. Ciel Phantom returned to his limo and was driven to the airport where he quickly greeted his dad who had just returned to Austria. There was shouts of praise and greetings from nearby observers. Ciel Phantom guided his dad to his limo and the two went to a nearby motel. Ciel booked a room and went to sleep a few minutes later.

Another day in the life of Ciel Phantom..