Re- Press Release- J. Moore- Likud Congress

Day 580, 20:06 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Re-Press Release

Justin Moore
Official Announcement –

Bid for North District Congressional Seat under the Likud Party

1. Successful business leader with a 6 month history in Israel, Fought to liberate at least three regions in the 4th squad.
2. Former longtime member of the IWP
3. Former Diplomat to the U.K under the Sadeh Badeh Administration
4. Publisher of the Thoughts and View’s newspaper, and the new Daily Journal-Israel Edition
5. Current Sit in Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs under the Gzen Administration
6. Former citizen of Missouri
7. Former one term congressman under the IWP flag.

If I am elected as a congressional member under the Likud Flag in the next few days, I will strive to focus on the following areas.

1. Personal Accountability- I will strive to hold myself accountable for the votes I cast making them matter, making them speak for the people of Israel and the Likud Party.

2. Party Line- I will always vote in line with the Likud Party views helping to create a party line overall that will establish an effective opposition to the long term ruling IWP party that has led the nation down wrong paths at times. We will work as a party to create an atmosphere that is full of leadership and organizational skills that will be second to none in Israel. We are developing a strategy and platform that will be second to none.I will work with Likud to ensure that we present a united Front to the world as a party, We hope that the IWP will reach across the table and engage in bipartisanship with Likud so that we are able to present a united front to the world and Israel as a congress and administration, Not doing so would be a shame and would be regretful in nature. We will also listen to the IWP and Kadima views and will work with them to ensure their Ideas are included in our policy making in Israel, we will ensure they are never left out of the big picture as a whole, We believe everyone’s voice should be heard and the best policy put forth. We will never move forward on passing something without at least listening to what the IWP has to say.

3. I promise to post all voting records and open public debate via the Daily Journal each time something is to be voted on to get the peoples buy in. It’s all about you and we want to know what you have to say. Majority public view will always be included in Likud policy making.

As I said above, I will be following Likud Policy and platform to a T, The party line has been released by Jeff Sullivan and I will be participating in that movement. I have been able to gather many supporters in the North District and I would hope that you would vote for me regardless of what party you are currently a member of.

If your party wont let you speak, if you feel like you are clamped down and kicked in the mouth daily, If you feel that your view doesn’t count, come to Likud where your opinion matters, A Real Growing party, The Future of Israel.

Justin Moore for Congress- North District.

And Remember, If you cant stand me, Just remember to Vote Likud anyway you go, Likud will get this nation back on Track!