Re-Election of Ciel Phantom in Styria = Pure win.

Day 788, 14:13 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Re-Election of Ciel Phantom in Styria = Pure win

Before, I release my platform below which by the way is the same platform as my last one but it contains a different analysis I will go on to break down what I have done and say a few words.

First off, I was very honored to be elected as a Congressman with the most votes, this meant that seven voters had put their trust in me and expected something out of. I do believe I did not disappoint. During my time in eAustria I have realized that with it's small active community it has some what become a family, by that I mean to some extent all active users are pretty much known in the community. Not to brag and whatnot but I'ld have to say myself that out of the articles and etc that it appears I have been one of the most active Congressman, in terms of updates also.

I will now go over the projects I have done while in my first Congress term. The first project I carried out was offering a loan to Company Owners especially those that owned a quality three or four company. I would say that , that specific project was a success. Many quality three foods are now available on the market. After that project I carried out a New Citizen Initiative which also proved to be a success, both citizens are highly active within the community. And my final project as a Congressman was to start a mailbag program where I answer questions and suggestions in my Private Messages. I have done that. I have done many other projects but just not as a Congressman. The five gold I receive always goes to eAustria and it's community. For example, the loan to company owners. Ended up giving everything away and when I was elected as party president, I used it to make the party an overdue group.


Greetings fellow eAustria and eRepublik citizens.

Goals[As Congressman]:
*To increase the shareholder value and maximizing profit by improving the operational efficiencies and maximum utilization for the available resources.

Keys to success:


Integrity & Ethics






Continuous Improvement
[New!*] Open to criticism and suggestions

This certain area sorta has to cross over with my Party Presidency campaign as The Austrian National Party has me and my eBrother which is pretty much a combination of perfection. In eight days, which is when the next Congressional elections takes place, the National Party hopes to capture atleast two Congress spots. We do have open spots and welcome all citizens.

*x1 Congress
*x1 Party President
*x1 United Countries Union - Secondary Leader
*x1 United Countries Union - Supreme Leader
*x2 Mentor
*Had a total of two previous accounts that both reached experience level twelve
*Have been mentored by many Congress and I can honestly say I understand the basics of being a Congress
*Run various different groups


This area has improved since I last wrote about it. But not in all it's areas. To add on to that last statement, we have seen improvement in organization and recruiting. But again, eAustria is being robbed of the opportunity to partake in wars especially with the take over of eFrance. The eWorld is engaged in epic wars at the moment. I support eAustria not commenting on the wars or choosing sides at this particular time. I admit I was wrong and did not realize what could have happened if we had even insulted a country by propaganda.

I think our current President, Alfred Ball should really re-analyze the Mutual Protection Pact situation. While analyzing the situation, eFrance should be kept at he front of everyone's mind. This should be a wake up call. We shouldn't only depend on one alliance. By that I mean not only have one perfect alliance. We should get more involved with our other ally Malaysia and possibly have a relationship with Malaysia like that of the one with eFrance.

A few days ago, I was alerted about three times that there were no jobs available for citizens with a minimum skill of 0. I do expect this to happen especially within our market. How do we expect to grow as a country if this happens too often? I think we should also re-analyze this situation and do work on this area first before any other area.

Ah, I think this is quite an important factor. We need to turn our focus on getting better and skilled citizens into the spotlight. Bring out their eRepublik talents, whether it be typing or strategizing and we need to improve our relations with other foreign countries. I mean whether it be like I have stated time and time again, please, even an MPP with a war-active nation would do us good.

Ever feel like you can do better than the current Country Administration but you're at level nine? Well now, you don't have to feel like that anymore. If you have any complaints/questions/suggestions make sure to private message me. I will also be keeping you updated on topics that regard the eAustria Country Administration in my article. So please do vote and subscribe.

Why should I, an eUSA citizen vote for Ciel Phantom?: First and foremost, the most important quality for any one in an important position, online time. I am very active. I come on very often and make sure to reply to all messages. With Ciel you get real qualities such as honesty and teamwork. As I stated before many current Congress Members have promised stuff but have not even proceeded one percent. Some of them fail to come on anymore. If I know any information ahead of time such as the event of me not being able to attend a meeting or an important discussion/event I will notify whoever is holding it or send someone in my place.

"Every one person counts, every one thing counts, every one action[vote] counts!"

Be sure to vote for Ciel Phantom on election day.

Some areas were left untouched as the situation still remains unchanged.

Thanks to all voters
Thanks in advance for votes, comments and subscriptions
Thanks for taking your time to read

Ciel Phantom,
Party President,
United Countries Union - Secondary Leader