Re-elect Bill Brasky in Mississippi!

Day 513, 13:26 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Hello again Mississippi! It’s that time once more; Congressional Elections are almost upon us. I, Bill Brasky, will be seeking re-election in our great state for a third term in April. Most Mississippians know me by now, but for those who don’t, allow me to tell you a little more about me before we get to my platform.

I’ve been playing eRepublik for close to 6 months, and I am a proud member of the Federalist Party. I have represented Mississippi well for the last two terms in Congress, am a member of the Congressional Infrastructure Committee, and a proud member of the National Guard. During this term, I was I selected by the President, Scrabman, to be the Secretary of the Department of Education (DoE). During my time in the DoE, I founded the Citizen Mentorship Program and have written multiple articles that serve to educate all citizens. I am also extremely active on the party level, where I am the Congressional Chairman for the Federalist Party.

Now that you know a little about what I’ve done, here is what I can promise you this next cycle in Congress:

Governmental Transparency - I have always stood for governmental transparency in all things we as a Congress do. I was very pleased to see the Public Information Act(PIA) get passed into law recently. It is a major step forward in the transparency I have been calling for during my past two terms. Unfortunately, I feel the PIA did not go far enough. I have advocated in Congress full disclosure of “hidden” board threads once they no longer become relevant to the eUSA’s situation at hand or are no longer time-sensitive. The public deserves to know what the people who they elected are saying behind closed doors. As always, if re-elected I will continue to vote on all proposals (I’ve only missed one, due to computer trouble!) and publish my votes for all to see.

Citizen Education and Retention – I have included this in my platform for my past two terms, because frankly, it’s necessary. Many people talk about “winning” eRepublik, fighting wars, and becoming a more powerful nation. That is all well and good, but to do all these things, you need an active, educated populace. It's a behind the scenes job, but it is vital for all our nation aspires to do. I have shown my commitment to this ideal through my work in the Department of Education, the Citizen Mentorship Program, and my position as Secretary of the DoE. It is what I love about eRepublik, and the fact that it is necessary for the eUS to become a true powerhouse makes it all the more enjoyable.

Foreign Affairs – For those who have read my other platforms, you know I’m a pacifist of sorts. I know enough about this game that war is good for the economy, and sometimes it simply cannot be avoided. With that being said however, I oppose imperialistic wars just for the sake of gaining land. If they were taken over, as in the case of Mexico, I would be ok with the plan Uncle Sam originally put forth, freeing them, and then giving back their land. I am Pro-ATLANTIS, because there is no reasonable alternative on the table, and until a truly viable candidate is presented we cannot abandon our allies. Another hot topic right now is Political Take Overs (PTOs). I will never support a government sponsored PTO. I feel it is unsportsmanlike, and a lowbrow tactic. I believe the eUSA holds itself it to a higher standard than that, and therefore I will not condone, participate in, or support a government sponsored PTO.

Mississippi, it has been an honor to serve you the past two terms, and I look forward to serving you to the best of my ability in the upcoming term. I can promise to deliver on my platform, and to maintain my high level of activity. Mississippi deserves an active candidate who will represent them well, and I feel that I am more than up to the task. I have the experience and dedication that it takes to represent Mississippi and it is in this confidence that I am asking for your vote, for me Bill Brasky, on April 25th. Thank you.

As always, feel free to message me with any questions about my platform, ideals, to introduce yourself, hate mail, love mail, or whatever is on your mind. I guarantee a response within 24 hours.

Bill Brasky
Congressman of Mississippi
Secretary of Department of Education
National Guard