Re-Creation of eJamaica article

Day 750, 15:08 Published in USA Austria by Ciel Phantom

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Greetings fellow citizens of the New World. The tittle basics states what I will be writing about in this article. Okay, so I've recently seen campaigns and advertisements to add in eJamaica. Is this really a good idea? Would eJamaica do anything for the community? Can this even be done? Are the campaigns affect anything? Would this country make a difference? Well here are my thoughts on the subject:

The Addition of eJamaica - Personally I think the addition of any country would be good for eRepublik. But eJamaica especially. Would it not bring a different kind of community to eRepublik, being the first Caribbean country? Not only that but expanding the community. Yes, it would. I will explain in the following topics.

What eJamaica would bring to eRepublik - eJamaica would bring alot of different attributes. Such as the music. The musical genres reggae, ska, mento, rocksteady, dub, and, more recently, dancehall and ragga all originated in the island. This would be a sure thing to converse about in eJamaica. Another thing that would be worthy of conversing is the sports? Do you think the eJamaica community would be talking about basketball? Maybe some, but majority probably not. Instead, cricket or even race competetions. The trade market would be great with eJamaica. eJamaica would bring lots of resources to the trade market, I can only imagine.

Economy - Wouldnt it be nice to take a vacation in eJamaica, especially for those with high manufacturing skills. Jamaica is a mixed economy with both state enterprises and private sector businesses. Major sectors of the Jamaican economy include agriculture, mining, manufacturing, tourism, and financial and insurance services. Tourism and mining are the leading earners of foreign exchange. An estimated 1.3 million foreign tourists visit Jamaica every year. Jamaica's the number two exporter of Bauxite in the world, falling short only to the much larger Australia.

Exports - Natural resources: 55.7%
Pickles 20%
Food 19.1%
Bananas 4%
Chemicals 3.6%
Machinery 2.2%

Military - This is probably the most interesting topic. Suppose a country with a larger community suddenly decided to go power hungry and decided to attack the [would be] recently added Jamaica, meaning it would have few allies. Surely, eCanada would dominate. Would eJamaica not be bait for a attack?

Politics - Jamaica is a parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy with the monarch being represented by a Governor-General. The head of state is Queen Elizabeth II. The Prime Ministers of Jamaica have been awarded with the tittle "The Most Honourable" or "The Honourable". A few past Prime Ministers are actually known to be National Heroes.

But are people getting to hyped about this? Yes. Someone actually made a forum for eJamaica. That might prove to be a waste of time. Someone actually wrote this:

"Schept wrote:Who will be heading the first Administration. Honestly its only right that it come from the people who worked to get the country in (all of us here) and not some retard coming just for the president award and who wants to rob the country.

So please put some thoughts in and we can decide who will be what for when Jamaica arives.

P.S. I think NAR_Henry should be President."

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First Article! Yay!