Rap about certian topics that where banned ( PTO and Censorship)

Day 578, 01:17 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Once upon a time in Taz not long ago
In a shell hole about to blow
A silly little Comrade was mislead
by a stupid Icey RW head
But the dropbears came and it was not good
Comrade fled rather than stood
all the way back to London hood
told people not to bother me
Went to live in eUK poverty
John went mad and began to rant
Br0ad and Patti looked on in pity
London was too gritty
Comrade couldn't take the crime
or the London grime
so back he came
things where the same
So Comrade thought and thinked
And decided to blow the whistle
the eGods didn't like this and stung back like thisles
250 people in on it
eGods had a fit and banned my ass
Comrade frowned and continued to write
eGods didn't let go without a fight
As the *sarcasm ended*
The rules got bended
anouther article down the pan
Comrade lookin at another Ban
And John is gone these days
of his PTO, no-one says.

This Rap is not to stir up trouble, that was never the intention this was simply to outline the things happened during the 1st unoffical Taz RW and what happened afterwards when I blew the whistle on a growing PTO threat. I'm not a good rapper no, but you try finding words that rythem and tell the story, when God mades words sound the same I don't think he had eRepublik events in mind.
