RAGE: Lies, Lies and More Lies

Day 955, 15:23 Published in USA USA by batterytime


I am extremely dissapointed and on the brink of rage after the events that have unfolded in #fedPartyChat today on IRC.


There is NO 8000 gold debt owed by the government. This "debt" was supposedly owed by the "Federal Reserve".


This "Federal Reserve" was proposed in February in Congress by AidenAstrup. It was then moved to a vote, but then NEVER REACHED QUORUM.


In other words, the organization does not exist at all. Even if it did, as SoT, I should have been notified and have access to this. I DID NOT HEAR OF THIS UNTIL NOW, AND NEITHER HAS ANY OF THE CURRENT ADMINISTRATION.

Even if the vote has passed, there has been no documentation on this 8000 gold presented by anybody.

After we uncovered this fact, AidenAstrup threatened the government that:
"I'd like to publicly state (because apparently no reads PMs as I was told) that I am withdrawing every dime that I can from the Federal Reserve. If the US ever wants a loan, you can forget that as well until contracts are back."

I am disgusted by this turn of events. I was going to stay neutral in this election, but this has pushed me over the edge. I was going to stay neutral in this campaign, but I am not anymore. I will be announcing my endorsement tomorrow and it will certainly not be Aiden.

Also a note: this article is nothing against Devan Kronos, AA's running mate/VP. Thank you for understanding.

I apologize to you Aiden for being so mad, but you have crossed the line.

That is all.