Quicksilver nem halt meg! / Quicksilver didn't die!

Day 724, 10:18 Published in Hungary Hungary by Ebolakola
Quicksilver még nem halt meg! Igenis megéri az a néhány gift, hogy életben tartsuk őt. Most írok az adminoknak, bemásolom ide a ticketem szövegét, hogy ha mókás kedvükben velem is történne valamit, akkor tudjatok róla. (Igaz ez a cikk törlődni fog akkor.)

Quicksilver is not dead yet! Those few gifts are worth it, to keep her alive. I'm writing to the admins, and I'll copy here my ticket's text, just in case if they're in a funny mood, and something happens to me, you should know. (Fact is, that this article will be deleted then.)

A ticket szövege / text of the ticket:


As you may know, Quicksilver (http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/1232749) was banned literally without cause, she got FPs with controversial and untruthful, shameful justifications (fact is, she got 0.5 FP even without any justification). I think as long as EDEN forces can use hungarian avatars, and they are allowed to spread propaganda, which we aren't allowed, then this is a shameful action.

And yes, with all due respect, this is an abusive content.


EDIT: She's alive! Muhahahaha. 🙂