Questions and issues

Day 972, 16:30 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Whats going on in the eIDF?

A few weeks ago when Joshua Hoss was first appointed as General of the New eIDF I reported there where issues with him and the Ministry of Defense. It appeared to start out as communication issues but from what Im hearing now the eIDF staff and the Ministry of Defense refuse to cooperate or work with each other and there is a major Communications Break Down.

Both the Ministry of Defense and the eIDF Staff are working on teo different plans for the overall restructuring of the eIDF.

Neither communicate or work with each other and now the MoD has resigned/retired over conflicts with eIDF Staff (general) yet this announcement was only made on FXP which has been acting as the defacto Forums of eIsrael and then people complain why we are so divided. Ive heard that the resignation/retirement was also made because theres not enough money for the eIDF?

So basically we where all hoping by the time the new Military module came out that there would be a working eIDF in place to protect our nation. Right now theres nothing in place only organization and leadership failures and lack of communication between different branches of government.

This is terrible and we need some answers and we need some results. Both the Ministry and the eIDF staff should be working together for a solution to the eIDF.

No one including the Knesset Defense Committee has seen a full copy of the MoD's Plan or the Generals plan for the eIDF. The Knesset reserves the right to oversea these kinds of matters and offer input and ideas. Right now that isnt happening because of this break down in communication and cooperation.

eIsrael has plenty of capable people who can create a strong well organized eIDF but right now no one is working together and we arent tapping into our manpower.

Theres even more controversy because New DCOs being brought in are from outside of eIsrael. I support this cause we need capable people more then ever but if its creating a stir and I hope in the future it will not lead to internal dissidence and people not following orders.

This has been going on for quite some time now with no results and this country hasnt had a working military IN MONTHS.

Did you read that we have not had a functioning Military IN MONTHS.

Ive said this over and over again and no one seems to care but isnt there something a little wrong with a country having no organized or functioning Military to protect its Borders?

If turkey was smart enough theyd attack us right now and conquer us for good. There even preparing military drills:

Besides this we have issues with lack of jobs low paying jobs and the economy overall.

I have brought up many times that there needs to be more government transparency regarding our government run companies. Who is running them? If there is anyone running them why where they chosen? How do these companies get funding ? Where are these companies? Are they fully operational and employing eIsraelis who need jobs?

Ever since the Babyboom when we liberated ourselves from the Turks there has been shortages in jobs and not enough efforts made to ensure we maintain the babyboom.

Many people have asked about our new citizen message? No new Citizen message has been proposed so im assuming we are using the old message which wasnt good. It wasnt translated into Hebrew and it included no link to the National Forums.

If we want to make new players active and get them to participate at least have them aware of our national forums.

Are any efforts being made to ensure new players remain active and dont die? If so can we be told what is being done?

Then we have the Issue with FXP vs the National Forums.

As of now we have a national forums which has been in use for quite some time and is Hebrew friendly yet many dont accept it as the national forums and continue to use FXP as a defacto national forums for the Hebrew Speaking Community,

This isnt right and this is a major factor in the division of our nations. If we have two groups of people who arent even using the same forums to communicate with each other how do we expect people to cooperate at all? Thats why we have issues like the MoD and General not getting along.

In the Previous government announcements where ONLY MADE in FXP and everyone else was out int he dark.

I have no problem with using FXP as a gateway to bring in and help new players but as of now it is operating as a defacto forums with no effort being made to redirect people to the National Forums.

At the same time its being abused for Political Purposes. New Players there dont hear or arent exposed to other parties ideals or beliefs and people including high level government officials get away with saying stuff on those forums that they would never get away with elsewhere.

Something needs to be done and we need some answers for all of these issues from our government. Divided Country, No Military, and the Economy hasnt picked up. This is BAD.

Am Yisrael Chai