Q&A - The Cookie Monster

Day 481, 08:08 Published in USA Greece by Jeremy Hutchinson

This is a history of me. (Questions sent in via PM.)
Any questions?

How I got started.
My brother got me into this game. His friend on another game, NationStates Africa Forums, had played this, and contacted my brother about the game. My brother tried it, liked it, and told me about it. He is 1 day older than me.
Next question.

First steps.
Well, the beginning of the game was boring, and to be honest I'm surprised I stuck with this game. I had a guy in Italy. Italy sucks monkey boners for new players. So I created a brand new guy, the one who is writing this. I gave the other account to a friend, who barley plays it. I have very poor money management skills, so I was, am, and always be poor in this game. My first real friend was Bormon. I joined his party, The Brotherhood Without Banners, which he was the PP of. But, I would have to say, the person who helped me out the most in this game, is Moishe and Nathan Woods. Moishe is such a good friend of mine, he's my eBro. Nathan mostly helped me out when I was new. But, Nathan and I are becoming friends again. Reason: Classified. PrincessMedyPi, also majorly helped me out.
Next question.

I joined the USWP as my second party, to run for congress. For this failure, I blame John Jay. Yes, I said it! I ran in the state of Wyoming, and EPIC FAILURE. 2 voted to 1 million, it seamed like. Then I failed in my other 2 attempts at congress, in CT and Louisiana. P.S. WilliamC and I were right! Mr.Bobo had multis he used to win the congress races! Anyway, probally my worst fail was the JaMat case. But, it had it's upside. I met, Dale Marks, who helped the Umbrella Corporation become what it is today.
Next question.

Best eFriend
This is very hard to chose. It would had been given to Don Keedick, but we got into a fight before, and rarely talk anymore. Moishe is probably the next one I would think of, but we don't chat anymore. I would say either...
Aren Perry,
Sadam Hussien,
or Marcus Dijohn Sessoms
I can't pick just one.
Next question.

The Cookie Monster
I really don't know how it came up. I just said it one day. Thank you Marcus Dijohn Sessoms and Ice_Freeze for endorsing my nickname.
Next question.

Most hated player
Beginning of eLife - Benn Dover. (Cursed to me.)
Middle - Eugene Harlot. (Wouldn't talk to me.)
Now - Xtasia. (She never returned/returns my calls.)
Next question.

I would actually like to have good money management skills, take Harlot's place, be president and congressman.
Next question.

1 thing you would change.
End of questions.

Have an other questions? Leave a comment, and I'll put it into the article.

Man in a Box - Jeremy/Cookie