Putem elibera ISRAEL/ Kool Israel

Day 351, 16:46 Published in Romania Romania by Marius Ovidius

Nu ar fi greu pt armata romana.

Depinde doar de ce vrem sa obtinem din acest joc.

Va asigur ca si multi turci isi doresc asta.

Ce credeti, putem lupta si pentru fericirea si eliberarea unei natiuni (eIsrael).

Nu cred ca am putea avea un cistig de imagine mai mare ca asta.

Astept in special raspunsuri de la Cezar (the_mihai) si Marc Antoniu (smif).

Pt detalii si explicitari va stau la dispozitie

I t will be no dificulty for romanian army.

Depends only on what we whant to acheew from this game.

I asure you that many turks also whish this.

What do you belives, can we fight for the hapinnes and freedom of an nations (eIsrael)

I dont think we can have a more image winn than this.

I specialy espect answers from the_mihai (eRomania president) and smif (eRomania most ranked military)

For details and explanaitions I'm at yours disposal.