PTO's, Pizzas and CrowdedHouses

Day 790, 10:45 Published in Australia South Korea by Comrade Robb

Recently a Goverment newspapr published an article telling us that Pizza the Hut, a man running for presidentship of the Liberal Party (former ADSP) was a PTO and we were to not vote for him. Pizza was voted in shortly afterwards.

In this article I'll be asking question that as a patriot I should be asking in my opinion.

First of all- Who IS this Pizza the Hut guy? Well as far as I know a man who once lived in the eUSA and well thats about as much as I know. He came outta nowhere (as far as I know, after all I don't know much) and is now suddenly controling a large part of the voting majority, and a very powerful party. His article condemming CrowdedHouse and calling him a criminal is in my opinion bang outta order. Crowded may not have always been popular but he wants what is best for us, a little like AW but less direct and controversial.

Second of all- How real is this PTO threat? I'd liek to seem some Goverment investigation and more importantly some feedback. I expect this will be comign son after all this is CA we are talking about, a very cabable Aussie.

Thirdly. If this is a PTO how comes it wasn't stopped sooner? And what does this show of our Security services?

I'd like to see these questions answered by the Goverment, either in public or by Message.

Comrade Robb