Psychology of Defeat [en]

Day 543, 09:02 Published in Indonesia Spain by Armande Xavier

How could this happen.....? The whole eWorld is searching for this answer. Everyone knows the opinion of the Romanian leadership: They are blaming the bugs, and the Indonesian and Italian players who exploited the bugs.

However, I say that the fall of Romania was inevitable. The Romanian leadership took their country to a strategic situtation which was unholdable. The collapse was unquestionable, except the size of it.

On the 10th April, by retaking Budapest, the Hungarian-Romanian front ceased to exist. Romania, with all its might, started the Asian campaign. Using the troubled state of Indonesia after the presidential election of the 5th April, they reached Andhra Pradesh on the 28th after conquering 10 Indonesian regions, and only one region, Tamil Nadu was left to attack Karnatka, when Indonesia gained a day to respite by liberating Tamil Nadu. As it looked, the fall of Karnatka was unevadable.

Romania at the gates of Karnataka.

But on the 29th April, Hungary opened the second front. With a this tricky campaign Hungary temporary took over Carphatia from Ukraine, and on the otherday they attacked the Polish Galicia. On the 30th the HUN-ROM front again came off.
Hungary could have attacked Podolia at any moment. We all know they story from know on. The fate of Romania was sealed.

The cause of the fall of Romania was their own ambition, and their belief in their own invincibility. They should have never started the Asian campaign. They did not care that 4 countries (Indonesia, Hungary, Russia, China)
can block them. The constant fear of being blocked is why no one can expand till the infinite, but they judged the danger of being blocked wrong. In their own arrogance, they did not count that Hungary could re-open the front in Europe, dividing their force with this.

Romania fell because their leaders made a strategic mistake. Sebahmah, Han Solo and the others made wrong decisions. The bugs could have only sped up the fall, but they didn't cause it. The collapse had to happen.

All this makes sense about what we hear from Romania. The thing happaned what would have never happened even in their nightmares, and the Romanian leadership can't see that it is their fault.
They can't settle this down neither toward themselves, nor towards the population. Sebahmah was the main mind behind the Asian campaign and its main supporter, and now he fights windmills against the admins.
The Romanian leadership, as it looks like, is unable to critice themselves, and they can't accept it that they have made a mistake. They are trying to find scapegoat in the admins, while their situation is only getting worse.

The loss of Podolia and the WSR is heavy, but it doesn't need to be fatal. If they, instead of getting into a collective depression, try to save what they have, they may could evade that they wil get surrended into their original borders for months. Only two weeks ago, Karnataka was in danger - soon that will be possible too that Romania's original territories will be encompassed by three countries protected by MPPs.

credit goes to Krystos for the english translation
original article posted here