PSP Support Lynari.

Day 622, 11:59 Published in Austria United Kingdom by Arthur Reynolds

Hello citizens of Austria. I would like to annouce that the PSP will be unofficially supporting Lynari at this months presidential elections.

The reason behind our decision, well their really was no decision, is Primeminister Keogh has not been seen for 12 days. As a result we can not have a candidate of our own. This is of course very dissipointing for all envolved concidering that he has been a very good PP for us. In addition in his time as PP our member count has risen.

As far as the choice of who to support it was not hard to find a sutible candidate- Lynari has helped the nation to expand in size and population and and more importantly given the nation a good name overseas. Moreover , the other potential presidents are dispicabbly equiped to be entrusted with this crucial role. las tm has spoke about how he will pay for votes , also he has spoke of no ideas or policies, it seems that if elected he would rob the threasery then go into exile. On the other hand Miroslav is just to silent, he makes to press realses or past expericace. Also i think that if elected this should be Lynari's last term as president , as 4 concecutive terms is just too much.

Hopefully the party will never have to unofficially support another partys candiate agian as we will have our own standing for what we belive in!

Good luck Lynari!