Presidential Pro Line & Nude Chicks

Day 1,658, 13:20 Published in USA Canada by Acacia Mason

EDIT: I will send 5 gold to the first person with the correct combo in the comments section

So I am thinking, we have 3 core countries in the Broliance and for those of you who live in Ontario, we also have a wonderful betting game called Pro Line in which you choose a minimum of 3 teams, place a wager, and pray to the Sports God’s that you win.

So, in the spirit of Pro Line, here is my Presidential Pro Line:

Pick 1 - Israel Stevens - eUSA

Pick 2 - Rylde - eCanada

Pick 3 - Ethel Rosencrantz - eIreland

I am not going to bore anyone with a TL😃R on why I have chosen the above 3. Call it gut instinct, call it a roll of the dice, or call it whatever you want. Those are my Presidential Pro Line selections.

What say you? What are your Presidential Pro Line selections?

And now, the moment you have all been waiting for, for the first time ever in an Acacia Mason news article...some nude chicks!

Yours In National Unity,