Presidential elections

Day 1,133, 10:42 Published in India India by Fireredsky

On 26th December we started new age of eIndia. We are independt, we have congress and we regain our territories.
Now it's time for a next step. We have to choose our president. In fact I will choose him, because there is only one party in India. But I don't want to do it on my own, I want your help to choose the best candidate.

Our president must be good enough to cope with all our problems, like weak economy, lack of citizens/workers. He has also to guarantee that we won't be wiped out again. So we have to choose wisely, but first of all, we need the candidates! If you want to be a president submit a post on our forum and write why do you think (or why are you sure), that you will be a good president.

I wait for your applications 🙂 If you want to dicscuss join #IndiaUnited on IRC.
We have 8 days to choose the candidate. On 2nd/3rd January I'll publish list of trustworthy candidates, then we'll vote, probably on eIndia forum 😉

President is a heavy job, if you don't have considerable knowledge about eRepublik, don't apply!


Jai Hind!
President of India United Party.