Presidential Elections - Running for CP and my policies

Day 2,294, 08:38 Published in Norway Norway by Jasper Zuidema

Hello Norway,

It comes to that time again, presidential elections are not far away now. I had been pondering weather I should run again for another term in March, I had been asked by a couple people and I finally decided that I would. Being President is not a walk in the park, it takes activity and it’s a lot of work, from what I have found. Being that the CP elections are only 2 days away I’ll announce my policies below as tomorrow I will release my last article for my February term regarding some foreign affairs information, and I need to release an article from the National committee yet as well, so I don’t wanna spam the news feed with government related articles.

National Committee:

Over all I was satisfied with how the National Committee turned out and I’d like to form another committee in March, we had some good discussions going in the beginning concerning about the Norwegian Royal Party and CP NiNjA, The reasons for me saying I was only satisfied is that it needs some tweaking, we need more discussions and keep the thread more active.

Foreign affairs:

This is going to be another big issue for next term, defiantly February didn’t turn out the way I had expected at all when FYROM had invaded us. In the same way, I cannot guarantee how March is going to turn out either. We need a strong MoFA team, we need to get Norway out there and active, we did good in my opinion in how we dealt with most of the situations that happened, we adapted quickly to the changing scenarios but again there needs to be more improvement in this area as well, we need to keep strong contact with our old friends while we focus on building new friendships.

My other plans:

With all that said, there are other things we should also focus on pursing next term. Our MoD team needs to pull things together and post more articles updating with battle priorities. I was actually very pleased this term with how our representatives turned out in AsgardHQ, for the last couple months we have been rather inactive but I can say this has been different during my February term, and I want to continue that. I’ve quite enjoyed partaking.

Its also been brought up to the government that we should try to implement some sort of kick-start program for our new players and help them in their journey in erepublik as our population in Norway has been steadily growing so we should harbor that. I would support such an idea and would love to see it implemented, so it’s something we can try to work on, of course it will be a lot of work. Magnus Barelegs had a good start writing articles for our newer players when he was our MoE&S, and it had mostly positive feedback, and I would like to have more articles published with helpful tips this term.

Summary of what I want to accomplish

* Pursue an active foreign policy and commit to our old allies while building upon our new ones
* Have active representatives within Asgard HQ
* Look into implementing a kick-start program and get it running.
* Continue with our National Committee and have more active discussions
* Have the MoE&S publish more articles for our new players
* That I myself am posting articles regularly with more information to let people know what’s going on and what where planning on doing for Norway.
* Be creative with how to handle situations that will arise.
* That I myself, as well as my cabinet are active!
* That we enjoy this term and have fun!

I have not yet had time to put together a cabinet, last term I hand picked mostly everyone but I’ve decided to change that for a couple positions this term, I will still be contacting a few regarding the “Closed” position. I’ve put in more deputy positions for new players to learn and get involved in politics. If you are a new player (or an old one) feel free to contact me via PM if you wish to take a spot in my cabinet and help me out this term, or simply comment below and I'll put your name in!

CP – Jasper Zuidema

vCP – Joshua Morisseau

MoD - Bloodtrail

vMoD - Benevolent Dictator For Life

MoFA – ivan europe

vMoFA – Georgij Zjukov

vMoFA - Open

MoF – Akashaton

MoI – Magnus Barelegs

vMoI - Red Beard the Scotsman

MoE&S – Sky 33

vMoE&S - Magnus Barelegs

MoFF – Open

That’s everything, have any questions feel free to contact me, have any suggestion that you would like to see happen next term? Feel free to offer your opinion 

Best Regards,

Jasper Zuidema