Presidential elections in Lithuania

Day 928, 08:58 Published in Turkey Lithuania by Ignas Grinevicius

Hello my dear friends!

The beaver from lithuanian embassy is calling again! As you may know, today is the day of presidential elections in the whole new world including Lithuania, so we're gonna talk about the lithuanian presidential candidates in this article.

This month we've got three guys, who are involved in June's presidential rival: Nexrow, linksmas and eXTLT.

Nexrow is supported by two parties: "Lietuvos nacionalistų partija" (Lithuanian nationalists's party) and "Lietuvos liberaldemokratai" (Lithuanian liberal democrats). The "Lietuvos liberaldemokratai" is my party by the way. This guy has spent his virtual life in military. Earlier in his career Nexrow was a commander of several units, then even became a boss of the whole military, but resigned due to the lack of that much time and got back to his earlier position, but... the summer has arrived along with lots of spare time and Nexrow is running for presidency! I think he has certainly got enough knowledge to run this country, because, while working in military, Nexrow was involved in the "international life".

Linksmas is the guy that I voted for because of my Opera mini accident: I got two "vote" buttons somehow loaded almost on each other and I touched the wrong one (I wanted to vote for Nexrow, but linksmas is not too bad as well) 🙂. This lover of beer has been an active congressman and "Solidarumas" party president for a few months, has founded a company for newborns and gave Lithuania a free q1 defense system.
All in all, an active guy with an ability to think.

eXTLT is a newborn and an old guy in this game at the same time. How is it possible? This is simply not his first account - he is better known as XerTaLT and was my good partymate some time back. His platform is orientated at the newborns, their education and at making citizens of Lithuania more active.
In his previous and present eLifes eXTLT has been an education minister, active congressman and is still making the reports of Lithuania's national bank.

Final results of the elections

1. Nexrow - 265 votes
2. Linksmas - 178 votes
3. eXTLT - 155 votes

Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed it, don't forget to vote and subscribe!

Sevgiyle Kalın

Ignas Grinevičius