Presidential elections April 2009

Day 495, 04:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

March 2009 saw large structural reforms in the UK economy. Our country was on the brink of total economic collapse; our spending was too high and money was distributed without thinking in too large sums. Besides this, March saw the beginning of World War III, the US-Mexico war plus several take overs, all of which burdened our Ministry of Foreign Affairs. These issues no other administration in the history of UK has had to face all at once. How did the current administration fare? Take a look.

1. Economical reforms

The first thing our PM did in the office, was cutting spending and ensuring we don't lose any more money. Initiatives were made to steer our country back on the road. National Health Service, the biggest money well in the country, faced total shutdown and fierce work to restructure the NHS began. This was a project which crossed party borders and united all under one cause: to stitch, nurse and heal our beloved country, which was slowly bleeding to death.

Besides this, the Ministry of Finance began work to get the economical basics straight. The work still continues, but we're on the right track. Our gold reserves have grown with 1300 over the past month.

2. World War III

Early on March the Romanians declared war against Indonesia. Fierce battles began raging across the globe, seeing direct frontal assaults, take overs, limited economical attacks and resistance wars. Romania, facing the 2nd biggest military superpower on the planet, needed all the help it could get from it's allies. Unfortunately for Romania, economical crisis paralyzed the UK response. Our military was unable to operate under non-existent funding. Yet again, the Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Foreign Affairs worked almost 24 hours a day to get our troops to Romania and maintain good relations with our allies. Big thanks belong to Minister of Defence, Hassan Pesearn and Minister of Foreign Affairs, SaraDroz, whose contributions and dedication were irreplaceable during this crisis.

Finally, by relying on volunteer force and private citizen contributions, we managed to send our mobile fighting force, the UK paratroopers to the battlefield. This was much appreciated by our allies as it showed solidarity and that we could be trusted even under harsh conditions.

Slowly, as the military faced reforms too, logistics began to work and by the end of the month, the UK fighting force abroad was almost fully functional. This all was thanks to the hard work done by the men and women reforming the country.

3. The US-Mexico War

As the Romanians faced fierce battles in Eurasia, the US decided to invade Mexico. The initial campaign was successful, US conquering three Mexican regions and gaining a buffer zone to the south. However, the US forgot to abide by the ATLANTIS treaty and inform it's allies of the attack. This, being a violation of rules, gave the US a fine of 100 Gold to each ATLANTIS member country. The US, seeing it as a spit on the face by it's allies, refused to pay the fines at first. Only because of the negotiations carried out by the UK Prime Minister, JerryGFL, a concordance was found and because of the work done by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, lead by SaraDroz, our relations with the US stayed mostly unharmed. With a different kind of approach the result could have been lot worse – Possibly the US resigning from ATLANTIS and breaking ties with the UK. Luckily this didn't happen and by the terms of the contract, the US entered the battlefield in Europe and helped Romania achieve a key victory against Indonesia.

These were the major events in March. No doubt next month will see similar events as the war continues and there is still work going on inside the UK. We in the UKRP believe the UK is ready to face the challenges put in front of it and we believe we will triumph over any obstacle put in our path. Yet our work is not yet done, steps to heal and reform our country are not finished, projects on drawing board are unexecuted, the country is only on the verge of rising to it's feet and standing tall. If we stop now, all we have done for the UK will wither and die.

However understanding the laws and requirements of the job of Country President, or Prime Minister as it were in the United Kingdom, all that it encompasses and entails, and the responsibility that goes along with it is extremely important when choosing any candidate for this election. The UKRP prides itself in appointing good, well qualified, wholesome candidates during the elections, as we have proven capable of running the country for several terms now, including Rayf, Dish, Deathtoll, and Jerry.

We have proven throughout time that we can and will make choices that benefit the eUK on the whole, rather than ourselves as a party, and have the ability to recognise when we cannot do the absolute job necessary to uphold the long standing tradition, and respect for the seat of Prime Minister.

It is with this belief in mind, a belief for the best of the eUK above all else, that we are choosing not to run a candidate for Country President this term. Those who feel they are qualified cannot run do to constraints, and we wouldnt want to pull an "FD", and we would not want to leave the country in a vulnerable position.

During these elections, other parties are going to ask us for our endorsement, to which we shall respond that they cannot have it. We do not feel strongly towards any other candidate in this election, and will simply do our best to fill the gaps necessary and work together with whomever is elected to get the job done. While we can respect the positions that Malta has held, we do feel that the TUP has moved towards a slightly Totalitarian position and we cannot in good faith stand behind him. Rastari, HazzN, and ex-UKRPer Tommasino all have their strengths and weaknesses, but in this election it shall be the people who decide who they want to hold the top position in the eUK.

We shall return to the election platform strongly in Congress and next term for Prime Minister, rest assured, and we shall support whomever the country chooses to lead it.

To end with a quote:
"Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on whats for dinner. - Benjamin Franklin"
