Presidential Election Coverage

Day 433, 08:59 Published in Canada Canada by Dominik

Hello eCanadians! This article marks the beginning of Slavia's coverage of the presidential elections for February.

First of all, I'd like to congratulate all congressmen, new and old who managed to get (re)elected. To new congressmen: please register at the eCanada forums.

So, I'd like to start the coverage off by introducing the major candidates:

Zanalan- Current Prime Minister and President of the Canadian Social Democrats (CSD) the major centre-left party in eCanada. His policies are of moderation and finding a middle ground between the economy and the military. Zanalan believes in social services and higher VAT in exchange for lowering income tax to prevent abuse. Zanalan also believes in a peaceful eCanada with strong relations with ATLANTIS through non-violent means. The CSD has thus far not released a presidential platform.

General Bruck- The current General of the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF), Bruck is running for PM under the Canadian Empire Party (CEP) banner. He believes in strengthening the economy through becoming a military power and social services given only to those willing to fight for eCanada. The CEP, headed by Augustus Baldwin, also believes in running a centrally-planned economy and stimulating demand with war. Bruck has released his platform on the forums: CEP Platform

Derakor- President of the Canadian Confederate Front (CCF, formerly CPP) and Minister of Defense. Derakor also believes in a moderate form of government, balancing the economy with the military. Where he differs from Zanalan are on taxes (Derakor wants them lowered) and trade embargoes (which Derakor believes should not be continued). View the CCF platform at the election centre: CCF Platform

Uraczak- Party president of the Coalition of Homicidal Anarchists and Organized Sociopaths (CHAOS) which recently fell from the top party list meaning Uraczak is, at the moment, not an official candidate. CHAOS believes in anarchy and an unorganised state. CHAOS has not released a platform as of yet.

Miloslav- President of the Bloc Populaire du Quebec (BQ). Claims to be representing the Quebecois people in their struggle to become a sovereign state. The BQ has not released a platform.

So far, Zanalan is leading opinion polls with 35% of the vote, followed by Bruck with 26% and Derakor with 20%. 17% of eCanadians say they will vote for somebody other than these three candidates. See the Opinion Poll for up-to-date results and to cast your own vote.

We have asked the five candidates 3 basic questions and we're glad to say all candidates have been active enough to respond. The three questions were:
*If you were to be elected, what would be the first thing you would do as Prime Minister?
*How will you reshape eCanada through your potential term as Prime Minister?
*Why should eCanadians vote for you over the other candidates?

Let's take a look at how our candidates responde😛
Question 1: If you were to be elected, what would be the first thing you would do as Prime Minister?

Zanalan: The first thing I will do when I am elected President is change the passwords. It may seem like a silly thing to start with, but given the history of disappearing money, that seems to me to be the most important step. After that, I will bring together the CAF General, Alex Rearden and the Foreign Affairs Minister to determine how much money the CAF will need to meet our ATLANTIS obligations (there are lots of things in the planning stages for ATLANTIS).

Bruck: My first act as Prime Minister would be to take corrective means to improve the value of the CAD as quickly as possible. This would include first promoting Canadian business and dissuading competing foreign business through revisions in taxes. Following this a salary cap would be instituted to bring down the inflating salary and prices of products to an acceptable level.

Derakor: The first thing I would do as Prime Minister is simple, I would reorganize our nation, mostly be reorganizing our Military, and making better systems in which our nation conducts it's goals.

Uraczak: Probably take over Alaska. Or take all the gold and invest it in meaningless wars across the world.

Miloslav: Raise down the wage of workers to lower price of different objects like house and food. Because now the companies pay high salary for workers and had to sell things at high price to make profit. If it's done the items will be less expansive and everyone could have items for a little less. Yes eCanadian will have less money but the balancement of price will be better for them and finnaly they will live better.

Question 2: How will you reshape eCanada through your potential term as Prime Minister?

Zanalan: My second term will be less about reshaping and more about continuing the incremental improvements that we have been making. Our economy is stabilizing, but we can do better. Foreign governments are talking to us regularly, but we can be more forceful. Immigration still needs more focus. The new Health Care plan that Emilio [Sanchez] just unveiled needs to be put into action.
If we try to make a full 180-degrees in our government activities then we will condemn Canada to another round of problems. Just like an ocean liner, a series of small turns will get us moving in the right direction.

Bruck: I would take every effort to establish eCanada as a world power, economically and militarily, within ATLANTIS during my term as Prime Minister. To do so I would continue to promote the newly created National Reserves and encourage every available citizen to register with the reserve unit. The National Reserve will only be called upon to fight in times of national emergency and will not be required to leave Canada so may include Congressmen, business owners or dedicated workers.

Derakor: I would reshape it by bringing in new ideas and by reforming how our government looks.

Uraczak: It would probably start to look like a puddle of so much maple syrup.

Miloslav: eCanada economy need to be reshaped. I don't know how but I'll do my best to fix this problem. I'll put in place maybe some subventions (not loan) to help eCanadian companies to grow and be bigger on international market. Other things would be done but seriously I will not be elected!

Question 3: Why should eCanadians vote for you over the other candidates?

Zanalan: I am happy to see a list of sincere, committed candidates for this upcoming election. All of them have good ideas. The one thing that sets me apart in my ability to look at the larger picture.
I will not have a government that works on the economy at the expense of the CAF. At the same time, we will not focus on the CAF at the expense of immigration. Each of the government ministries has to be seen as valuable. The contribution of one has an effect on all. It is that larger picture that I look at. It is that view that should give Canadians confidence that my government is working on improvements for ALL Canadians.

Bruck: eCanadians should vote for me because as General of the CAF I have the background in knowing how this game really works. It’s not a game of social interaction or about going to work every day it’s about contributing to make your country strong enough to fight to keep it free and fight to make sure it stays respected. eRepublik is Risk with a dash of politics, economy and social interaction thrown in, who would you rather lead you? A General, Bureaucrat or a Monopolist? Don’t take the risk.

Derakor: Canadians should vote for me because I'm quite active and because I don't only have great ideas, but have the leadership to get them done.

Uraczak: Cause I'm fun.

Miloslav: If other candidates have ideas you don't follow and you want to see eCanada from a different angle they should vote for me. I take every suggestion, complaint and problem from citizens and try to do my best to fix this it's the president role. Voting for me also void your vote and make nothing because I'll not be elected with the best ideas and the determination I have so if you want to do this, do it! If you're a french guy you have to vote for me no one else can fight for you as me.

I sincerely thank all candidates for responding. So, how did they do eCanadians? It is up to you- choose wisely eCanada. Thank you for taking your time to read this article!