Presidential Address, February 8

Day 811, 01:10 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

Please click on the flag to visit the official eJapan forums.

1.eJapanese Government Structure
2.Foreign Policy
5.Open Door Program
6.Long and Short Term Goals
7.Closing Statement and Call for Questions

Citizens of eJapan,

This is your President, Crawling Chaos, speaking. I am honored to represent you and I hope that I am able to carry out my duties in a way that can benefit eJapan as a whole. I will attempt to put out a weekly address giving all citizens on eJapan an update on what our goals on, the progress we are making towards those goals, and giving citizens a chance to provide input or ask questions.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank former President KITA Ikki for his long history of service to eJapan. Whatever political differences, our nation owes him a debt of gratitude for the work he has done over his many months.

1. eJapanese Government Structure

Working for you!

The government has fully transitioned from former President KITA Ikki. All organizations are accounted for, save for some access issues with the Teishin Shudan which we anticipate will be resolved once someone is able to contact Metic. The cabinet is listed below:

Vice President – Chysamere Goru

Minister of Foreign Affairs – Reiji Mitsurugi

Minister of Defense – Dokomo

Minister of Finance – Vorph

Minister of the Interior – exReality

Minister of Culture and Events – Ember Firespiral

2. Foreign Policy

We will carry our message around the world.

Our Ministry of Foreign Affairs has already initiated talks with our partners in the region and established high level talks that will lead to close relationships. We have reaffirmed our commitment to China, and the Chinese President, The Samurai, has reciprocated our friendship. It is clear that there is a strong partnership here that will only grow stronger as we continue to work together.

A discussion is taking place in the Imperial Diet about paying our fair portion of the costs from the China/Philippines training war. This training war will allow us to take advantage of wars for training purposes on demand. We are already involved in the training war by way of our MPP with China; however we are not currently paying the appropriate fees. I invite all eJapanese citizens to make their minds known on this issue, and all eJapanese Congressmen to vote.

3. Culture

Celebrate what makes eJapan unique!

Our Minister of Culture and Events, Ember Firespiral, is already hard at work planning for the month’s events. At this moment, the MoC&E has 4 personnel: Ember, Faeyas acting as her assistant, DankChronic and Jinnai. DankChronic and Jinnai answered the call for volunteers to be a part of a cultural panel to help plan and administrate events in eJapan, and their help is greatly appreciated. However, we need more volunteers. Please contact Ember Firespiral in game or join in on the discussion on the official eJapanese cultural events forums.

Ember has informed me that planning for this month’s Empress Day has already begun, as well as planning on a new holiday, the Festival of Elements. The Ministry of Culture and Events is here for you and me, the citizens of eJapan. Input and suggestions are always welcome.

4. Defense

A strong military.

There have been exciting new changes in our Ministry of Defense. A new orders script for the Japanese Imperial Forces has been released, and it works with Firefox and Chrome. The Ministry of Defense forums have been updated and made public, so that all eJapanese citizens may view them. The rosters have been reorganized, so please visit the official eJapan Ministry of Defense forums for information on the new structure.

If you find that your name has been left out, please do not panic, contact the Minister of Defense, Dokomo, either in game or on the MoD forums. There were some issues with getting a correct roster and so there are some names that may have been inadvertently left off. Please also keep in mind that part of the new structure is new responsibilities for JIF personnel. If you cannot meet these responsibilities, you may be released from the JIF. For information on all of these changes, please see the Ministry of Defense forums. A comprehensive article will be released detailing the changes.

The Ministry of Defense is also looking for coders interested in helping eJapan develop a website that will take advantage of the Erepublik API for organizational purposes. If you have the skills and wish to help out, please contact Dokomo.

5. Open Door Program

All are welcome in this government

I am beginning a new program that will be called the Open Door Program. My goal with this initiative is to reach as many people in eJapan as I can through their party representatives and see what the government can do better for them.

I will be contacting the Presidents of the different political parties around eJapan to find out what they need or want from the government and seeing if we can help facilitate. It is my view that the government should represent all of the people, regardless of political differences. I will be taking input from the Party Presidents about all matters, foreign and domestic, and will make sure to take them all into consideration. While I do have a specific plan for eJapan, there is room for input from all of eJapan.

I have already spoken with a couple of Party Presidents, and let them know that I am available to them whenever they should have an issue. But this does not mean that citizens of eJapan cannot reach me if they have an issue. My door is open for all citizens; anyone who has an issue is invited to take advantage of that fact. We may not always see eye to eye, but I will always listen.

6. Long and Short Term Goals

No limits!

The immediate goals of my government are already evident. The overhaul of the Ministry of Defense has been quite thorough and will continue. We will continue working with our partners in the region to foster better relationships. We will support cultural events in whatever way we can, as the government. We will try to ensure everyone in eJapan has a voice in this government.

Long term, I want to expand our influence in the region through diplomacy and friendship. The much touted Asian alliance, I want this to be a reality and I want a draft set of principles available so that we can begin working with other nations and getting their input. I want a military that operates efficiently and independently, with members who care about eJapan and our allies. I want a strong economy, varied cultural events to help increase player identification with eJapanese values, a strong mentoring system that helps players realize their potential, and a more harmonious domestic atmosphere that fosters cooperation.

7. Closing Statement and Call for Questions

A few days into my administration, I am happy with what I see. I see citizens working together, I see a reformed military that will take us into the future, I see strong bonds with our partners in the region, and I see an atmosphere of respect and cooperation taking hold that will help eJapan realize it’s potential.

I invite any questions or comments that anyone may have. You may use any venue to ask questions, either here in the comments section or via private message, or on the forums.

Together we will make eJapan a great nation.

Crawling Chaos
President of eJapan