Presidential Address, 3 March

Day 834, 00:50 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

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1.Chinese-Russian War and Indonesian Attacks on Malaysia
2.PTO Threats in Asia and JEC Response
3.Ministry of Culture Update
4.Foreign Policy
5.Closing Statement and Call for Questions

Citizens of eJapan,

This will be my last address before the Presidential elections. I ask all citizens to please get out and vote on March 5th!

1. Chinese-Russian War and Indonesian Attacks on Malaysia

The faithful Samurai of the JIF have proudly defended Asia.

Russia has attacked Xinjiang, China and been beaten back soundly, only one day after Indonesia attacked Sarawak, Malaysia. These battles seem unrelated, but our intelligence officials believe that this is part of a Phoenix push towards an offensive against Karnataka. Specifically, that Russia attacked Xinjiang in hopes of gaining a border with India in order to participate in a future offensive, and Indonesia attacked Malaysia for a bit of a morale boost (if they had won) and to precipitate an offensive against India.

We can’t be certain right now, but Phoenix forces certainly do seem focused on the Indian subcontinent right now. Citizens of eJapan should be alert for orders to help defend our friends in Asia, and as always wait until your last login to fight.

2. PTO Threats in Asia and JEC Response

Angry protestors lash out over allegations of election tampering by foreign operatives.

The term “PTO” has been thrown around quite a bit in the past few weeks. I’ve had people ask me exactly what that means, so let’s be clear on what we are talking about. A PTO, or Political TakeOver, refers to foreigners who try to influence another nation’s elections. Usually in order to secure government positions for their chosen candidate.

Malaysia is dealing with a PTO ongoing within their nation, and general analysis has been that the situation is dire. It is anticipated that the Serbian nationals perpetrating the takeover will be able to secure the Presidency of Malaysia within 2 months. This is quite frightening to hear. They are not alone. India lives under the constant threat of PTO. There are whispers of operatives in the Philippines. The takeover of Singapore appears complete. South Korea is in constant danger as well. Even Japan is dealing with a takeover attempt by Hungarian nationals on one side, with Iranians and Serbians sniffing around and making attempts to get citizenship.

This is a huge issue. The only way we can combat it is to give the JEC what they need, namely volunteers. The JEC (Japanese Election Commission) needs permanent voters to combat these attempts. I have appointed TheReverendSeanV as Commissioner of the JEC and he has released a brief outline of his vision for the future of the JEC. exReality was the old JEC Commissioner and he did a fine job, but he has a lot on his plate right now and it is my feeling that the JEC needs a focused leader who can concentrate on this problem.

All political differences aside, everyone in eJapan needs to understand what a serious issue this is and what grave danger we are in, as a nation.

3. Ministry of Culture Update

On March 3rd we celebrate Hinamatsuri, the doll festival!

Katsuhiko Jinnai has been making great improvements within the Ministry and has a new event for eJapan: the Festival of Dolls. The contest ends today and it is exciting to see the ministry expanding into more traditional events.

4. Foreign Policy

We should reflect on the important advances we have made both in Asia and around the world. eJapan is a nation on the rise.

All has been quiet on the foreign policy front. MPPs are fewer these days because money is short in the superpower nations that we have relied on for protection. But we have just renewed our alliance with Ukraine and are exploring relations with other nations.

The Asian Alliance concept is still alive. We have made significant inroads with all nations in Asia due to our hard work in the China-Russia war and our defense of the Philippines and Malaysia from Indonesian advances. Reforms of Sol have stalled and seem fated to go nowhere, so I think that option is out.

My administration has looked into other options. The Entente is one option, and there are others. None would be preferable to the unification of Asian nations under a common banner of defense, both militarily and politically.

5. Closing Statement and Call for Questions

I am proud of everything I have accomplished as President of eJapan. I think we have made important strides in all sectors of government, and that eJapan is in a much better state today than it was on February 5th. If this is my last address to you as President, I hope that you will feel that I have always been fair and thoughtful in my execution of the duties of the Presidency.

I look to the future. If there are any questions, please ask them and I will do my best to answer them.

Crawling Chaos
President of eJapan