Presidential Address, 15 February

Day 818, 21:02 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe

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1.Chinese-Russian War
2.Japanese Imperial Forces
3.Ministry of Culture changes
4.Foreign Policy and Defense
5.Open Door Program
6.Long and Short Term Goals
7.Closing Statement and Call for Questions

Citizens of eJapan,

We are in the second week of my administration and, minus a few snags, events are progressing smoothly and in a positive direction.

1. Chinese-Russian War

Chinese intelligence officials predicted the outbreak of war, but were unable to turn the tide of the battles towards victory.

Russia attacked eChina shortly after my last address. Over the course of the week, eRussia has successfully occupied the eChinese high iron region of Liaoning and (via Hungary) transferred control of the region to eSerbia. Now eSerbia with it’s 30,000+ citizens is in control of Liaoning.

This is a major setback for eChina, but also for all of East Asia. There is no clear path to victory in this instance, this is a hard situation. We will continue to support eChina as we are able, of course.

2. Japanese Imperial Forces

Several new ships have been commissioned in the Japanese Imperial Navy.

There were 2 good things, to my mind, to come out of the war between eChina and eRussia. The first of which being out military has had an impressive showing. Our Minister of Defense, Dokomo, has spent time and effort reorganizing the military and ensuring that accurate orders were delivered. We have stood fast with our ally against the eRussian invaders, and though eChina did not win the day we have made an impact with our military that displays plainly the vast improvement of our military might.

Our commitment to our ally and our much improved fighting strength is reflected in the battle stats for the battle of Beijing. We managed to place 5th overall in damage, and if you look at the numbers we fought well above our number of fighters. This is a testament to the quality of fighter in eJapan.

The division leaders and squad leaders in the JIF deserve credit as well for helping guide our military to a better place, overall. But we’re not finished. Today Dokomo announced the formation of a training program, designed to increase the knowledge of our new recruits on the war module within the game and reward those who put in the effort. This is the next step, and am important one for the future of our military.

3. Ministry of Culture Changes

Our culture is what defines us.

Ember Firespiral has stepped down as Minister of Culture and Events due to circumstances unknown to me (I have asked, she has not provided me with answers) and so progress is stalled on this front. This is a setback to my plans, but also a blow to the Ministry as a whole, as I firmly believe that the Ministry is not living up to it’s potential and can achieve so much more.

Katsuhiko Jinnai has stepped up with some innovative ideas for future events and event scheduling and I have appointed him as our new Minister of Culture and Events. The new Minister has released an article detailing some specifics of his plans as well as an insight into a new, more traditional Japanese event in the Festival of Dolls. I am looking forward to his fresh take on the Ministry. And as always we are looking for volunteers interested in helping organize future events. Please contact Katsuhiko Jinnai if you wish to be a part of bringing Japanese culture to eJapan.

4. Foreign Policy and Defense

Defense of our allies and commitment to righteousness wherever possible.

We have fought beside eChina in this past week and we have shown our commitment to them. We have worked with other partners in East Asia during the course of this war and built the foundation for good relations with them as well. We have had contact with representatives from both EDEN and Phoenix nations involved and let our stance be known. We will defend our allies, we will maintain neutrality.

This is the other good thing, in my view, to come from this war. We have solidified our position of neutrality while actively defending our ally. In my mind, this is the kind of neutrality that eJapan needs to adopt. We have engaged in diplomatic talks with nations all over the world, on this and other issues.

The concept of the Asian alliance has suffered due to preoccupation with the Chinese-Russian war. However, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, is working with Sol leadership to reform the Sol charter. I have been informed by the Minister that it is possible that Sol may be able to meet our needs with this reformation, and so we are waiting on the results of that collaboration.

5. Open Door Program

All are welcome in this government

This initiative has not seen much action also due to the war. Since we have new Party presidents today, will be contacting the winners this week to engage in this program and see what this government can do better for the people of eJapan.

As a reminder, this program is not limited to Party Presidents and any citizens are welcome to send me a message about any issues they may want addressed or questions they may have.

6. Long and Short Term Goals

The next phase in our military expansion.

In the short term, I want to get back on track with the programs that were sidetracked during the war. Namely the Open Door Program, the Asian alliance concept, and the economic board formation (no I have not forgotten). I want to continue the expansion and streamlining of the military. I want to see progress within the Ministry of Culture and Events to make up for setbacks due to recent events.

Long term goals remain unchange😛
“Long term, I want to expand our influence in the region through diplomacy and friendship. The much touted Asian alliance, I want this to be a reality and I want a draft set of principles available so that we can begin working with other nations and getting their input. I want a military that operates efficiently and independently, with members who care about eJapan and our allies. I want a strong economy, varied cultural events to help increase player identification with eJapanese values, a strong mentoring system that helps players realize their potential, and a more harmonious domestic atmosphere that fosters cooperation.”

7. Closing Statement and Call for Questions

We are now well into this administration and I believe we are on the right path. I look at our military and I am proud of the organization that we are building. I look at the Imperial Diet and I do not see infighting and bickering on every issue, I see cooperation and, at the very least, communication. I look at our citizens and I see more and more new and active citizens wanting to be a part of eJapan.

I am optimistic about our future. I invite all citizens to please leave questions or comments.

Crawling Chaos
President of eJapan