Premiere Issue! Day 667: The State We're In

Day 667, 11:39 Published in USA Belgium by Enterdyne Systems
Aloha, Gang!

Welcome to the first issue of my newspaper devoted to bringing the finest RL music in-game. I might talk about some other stuff from time to time but basically I hope to present three videos each week showcasing Music of Interest [to me]. Hopefully it'll give you a nice break from the war and maybe turn you on to some new grooves (no, I don't really talk like that, that's just what I think music journalism sounds like). My tastes might run towards bands you don't know but give it a chance and the music should win you over by itself.

This week, though, some pretty mainstream reflections on where we are in this war.

First off, the obvious but no less entertaining, Talking Heads, Life During Wartime.

Secondly a little indulgent eMerican jingoism, well-mitigated with baked-in ironic goodness, from the ever reliable David Bowie and his yankee pal Trent Reznor: The new PEACE anthem.

Finally, Cheap Trick's epic Surrender, not for the title but for the "Indonesian junk that's going 'round."

No, wait, that's no way to end this, the first gala issue of a major eMerican entertainment journal. So then let's leave with the indomitable Slovenian masters of the universe, Laibach, with their harsh-as-hell take on Russia:

Hope you enjoyed it! If you like it please vote, subscribe, and shout! (Well, doy)

See you next week and fight smart and support the American Media Moghul Project!

Tacitus Arkenseale, Editor