Predictions of eNostradamus - Long-term strategy [En]

Day 505, 16:49 Published in Iran Japan by Von Seelard

[Sorry for this article only being presented in English, but it's just too long to translate. Hope you don't mind]

Here, in our New World we live in dualism. Every powerful eRep country is devoted to either Peace or Atlantis. The rest either wants to belong to one, or they have no goals in the game whatsoever. These alliance powerhouses make their countries virtually indefeatable and even untouchable on their home territories. Even the most insignificant country cannot be defeated or attacked not even by Romania or Indonesia, if they are attacked on their own territory, and activate their MPP's. On the other hand, at occupied territories, the smaller nation doesn't have a chance. The game mechanics make sure that slowly every region will get back to it's original owner, as long as there are at least a few hunderd players, and they are members of either of the big alliances. Now, this is countered by the territory-swapping game, and against the territory-swapping only political takeovers can be used, as it was the case in Norway. Peace didn't have a chance against the Norwegian-Romanian abusement of game mechanics, only to abuse the game mechanics themselves. Concentrated millitary actions have a chance to take non-original territory from it's current owner, as we could see around WSR. But at the moment when this is organized from the original owner of the land, the alliance behind that country would make it almost impossible to take that region away again, and attacking in the home region would activate the MPP's for a counterattack. To continue with the WSR example: if an organized Peace action from Russia would take control of that region instead from Indonesia, it would be almost impossible for Romania to take it back, as it would be defended by a whole alliance. And after the neighbouring provinces are secured as well, Russia could trade WSR to Indonesia easily. And should the Romanians try another attack, the Indos trade it back to Russia, and the whole peace has a day to prepare for the Romanian attack, so they will have no chance until they PTO Russia.

The same example could have been told with important Indonesian- or Iranian-occupied territories in Asia, where Pakistan, India, and China waits to be "liberated". Their Atlantis membership would definately weaken Peace in the far East. However, if they sign to Peace, it could be an operation base for Peace actions to drive Romanians out of Asia. So it's not really their choice, for they will likely be PTO'd, used and abused by their future "allies" in order to serve as battleground and protective wall in the WSR-Xinjiang conflict. And as soon as it happens, they can expect a PTO from the losing side, a couple of annexed territories, and after they're done and finally start to rebuild their country, they can expect another "liberation" with exactly the same effect.

National unions: Smallers nations try stick together, or to attach themselves to a big brother to avoid PTO's. But, as we can see in Austria's case, it renders it's regions vulnerable to military attacks. The Belgo-Netherlands union coud be easily dissolved as well, by attacks on Belgian core territores. These unions can only decide if they prefer PTO's or military annexation against themselves.

These set of rules will evidentally restore every actively playing nation's original territories, and these active nations, protected by their respective alliances, will live in a constant status quo. Even less active nations with strategic importance will be protected by one of the alliances, so that the other one won't invade it. The only wars will be waged on the lands of inactive, low-populated countries, where MPP's doesn't activate. So, to acitvate these MPP's one of the alliances will PTO the inactive nation create a puppet-state, "liberate" it, and will force it into it's alliance, so that the other nations couldn't attack it. In turn, the other alliance will try to PTO it at the next elections, and start it all over again. With incredible strategists, this procedure can be slowed down, or even stopped for a while, but not forever.

So finally, the allready strong countries are untouchable on their own territories, and they will continue to wage wars on other's lands. PTO, annex, PTO, annex, and so on, until the end of the New World. And the two important pieces of game mechanics are working behind this: A counrty enjoys almost absolute invincibility on it's home regions thanks to MPP's, and the only possible counterattack for this, are the PTO's. We argue about PTO being unethical or not and so, but we can see the current game mechanics not only encourage them, but make them necessary.

[second half was removed, it was a bit too long to read]