PPSA Candidate/Endorsement List

Day 946, 14:27 Published in South Africa South Africa by Crimson Boma
PPSA Candidate/Endorsement List


First, I apologize that this isn’t coming to you from the official PPSA newspaper, which is in the hands of currently inactive members. Since PPSA has wonderful active members, I want our friends to know what we’re doing, so I’m using Indaba during my time as Party President.

Qualifying for a PPSA Endorsement:

To a degree, elections are numbers games. Here’s how: As you know, we have security risks with which we must contend at every election. Congress elections are the biggest target for our opponents, mainly because congress approves citizenship requests. Party Presidents must be very careful as far as who they endorse.

I'll be honest: There are parties that only care about how many candidates get elected. They do no screening for security or past activity. In the current climate PPSA doesn't think that's the best practice.

PPSA takes that responsibility very seriously. All endorsed candidates were run past security to make sure they aren’t a suspected risk. Those who were felt to propose a risk were contacted with ideas on how they can change security’s perception of them but they weren’t endorsed. That is my choice – I’m very careful about who and what I lend my name to.

After creating the list of endorsable candidates, I went a step further and checked out their records. I researched the following: Their birth date, newspaper, donations list, friends list, fight record, past political office. I also look on the forum for activity. The results of that research is below.

Why should you care?

The people you elect decide who will be granted citizenship. Writing and passing rules for our citizens, making financial transfers, setting taxes … these are all the responsibility of congress. They gain gold (a Treasure Map) and a lot of Experience Points in exchange for their efforts and should be active every day.

Congress meets on forums. Members need to check in at least once each day. They should be public and involved, regularly demonstrating their caring for South Africa. Experience is wonderful, but so is new blood. New ideas and practices keep us growing and vibrant. Inactivity and seeing congress as nothing more than a chance for EPs and gold is another issue. Your vote puts these people in office – pay attention to whom you give something as valuable as your personal endorsement … know your candidates before giving one your vote.

Here are the endorsed candidates for PPSA. If they wrote a presentation, a link is provided.

Eastern Cape:

Birth Date: Day 554
Rank - Colonel
Military Enlistment- Pretorian Guard
Service Record – Actively defends South Africa and fights for EDEN/Bros
Political Experience: 1-time Congressman
South African Activity: Darkpigeon is very active in politics and with his political party.
Registered on the forum – 255 posts. His friends list and donations check out fine.

Presentation: none
KwaZulu Natal:

Nick Jones
Birth Date: Day 612
Rank - Colonel
Military Enlistment- None
Service Record – Zhunder doesn’t show many of his fights, but those it does show are EDEN.
Political Experience: 2 terms in congress
South African Activity: Registered on forum – 118 posts. His newspaper mainly deals with his travels and political platform, so it’s all good. Friends List checks out, he has no donations.

Presentation: none

Seisan is a member of NPSA running under the PPSA banner. I encourage both parties to lend him support.
Birth Date: Day 623
Rank - General
Military Enlistment- Pretoriam Guard
Service Record – Extensive fighting experience, all for South Africa and EDEN
Political Experience: 5 terms in congress
South African Activity: Incredibly active on forum: 771 posts. He serves South Africa as the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. His newspaper is used for political articles and outreach to party members. His friends list checks out as does his donations list.

Presentation: none


Birth Date: Day 753
Rank - General
Military Enlistment- No uniform
Service Record – An active soldier with many EDEN battles and extra damage done for South Africa
Political Experience: No experience as a congressman or CP to date
South African Activity: Kentel is a new immigrant from the eUS. He’s an active member, serving as the Ministry of Social Development’s Director of Fun. He’s registered on forum: 19 posts. His newspaper includes articles that take a humorous look at politics and the military. Donations and friends check out.

Presentation: [url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/why-do-i-do-this-to-myself--1427323/1/20[/url]

Northern Cape

Birth Date: Day 754
Rank - General
Military Enlistment- Pretorian Guard
Service Record – An extensive service record filled with EDEN and including South Africa
Political Experience: No experience as a congressman or CP
South African Activity: A recent immigrant from eUS, Glorified is registered on forum: 10 posts. Newspaper is very pro-SAAF and covers political activity. Friends and donations check out.

Presentation: [url] http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/glorified-for-congress-reprint--1425221/1/20[/url]

EDIT: I must ask that you NOT vote for Gabriel Balogh. He is NOT and endorsed candidate; Please look at the information gathered as I checked on him the same way I did others:
Birth Date: Day 815
Rank - Colonel
Military Enlistment- None
Service Record – Zhunder shoes that his fight record is primarily PHOENIX, fighting regularly for Hungary. Though I didn't see him fighting directly against South Africa, I saw that he has fought against almost all of our close allies.
Political Experience: No experience in congress or as a CP
South African Activity: He is NOT registered on our forum. His newspaper is published in Hungary and in Hungarian, so he isn't in touch with the South African people. Friends and donations deal mainly with Hungarians.

THIS IS WHY COMMITMENT MATTERS ... someone who promised to run resigned to push the fight button a few times in another country in spite of the fact that he could fight from here. When he resigned someone completely uninvolved with the South African community and with a history of associating with Phoenix was able to place a candidature. This is why the involvement and commitment of our citizens is so important and appreciated.

Thanks to all who are standing by us.


PPSA has an extensive list of people running as blockers; many are visitors from non-Top 5 parties who are lending their names and time to keep South Africa safe. They are, in alphabetical order:

Bic deWille
Dycey Farley
Esteban Delgado
Fiquei duro
Gert Steenkamp
Prester John
The One and Only Merced

Greatest thanks to all who offer their time to help our country and special thanks to the citizens who take the time to be informed voters.