PP Address, 9/3/2010: Improvements

Day 1,018, 18:22 Published in USA USA by Fionia

2010 has been a rough year for this party. There is no doubt about or denying that. January to April, this party stagnated as we had a whole bunch of leaders, but no up-and-comers ready to take their place in the upper levels when needed. In April, the APF came along, and the USWP died. Even when the party was reborn, we were reborn in a great spectacle, but quickly went back to coasting and stagnating. By the time I took over, very few things or people in this party were working the way they should have been if at all.

I've been the official Party President for 18 days now, and I can say with confidence that the USWP is finally turning a corner and breaking the pattern of this year.

So what am I talking about?

In July, the USWP won 11 Congressional seats. In August, we won 14.

At the beginning of August, the USWP Presidential primary on our forums drew 17 total votes. The primary held just a few days ago drew 31.

For most of August, we had a militia with a leader, but 0 members. Now, after a recruitment article and a fairly cheap ad, the militia has ten members.

We have a functioning party mentorship program, built from nothing. We have an intelligence program in development, as well as a party ambassador program.

And we have something very big in the final planning stages, ready to bring this party to a whole new level. 🙂

Reading this over, it may not seem like much has happened. But when you start with practically nothing, with only 2 or 3 people doing things, what we've managed to do the past 18 days seems amazing.

And this is just the beginning. Stay tuned, USWP.

Signing off,