Power to working people!

Day 1,022, 04:50 Published in Czech Republic Slovakia by ¤Anon.2083311¤
/eCZ - clanok vytvoreny skopirovanim textov z komancovskych clankov 😉 uzite si to a berte ako druhu cast mojho serialu o komancoch 😉

Dear citizens of the Czech Socialist Republic.

(That article isn't aiming fascists, for they are neanderthal)

In the last elections you expressed your trust to the socialist government. You trusted them with your hope, the hope for a better, communist country! The time has showed up again that all Czech citizens were betrayed. Sorry for them that they couldn´t promise those promises.

They have made many promises but they have never managed to make them true. They´ve proved it themselves.

If you are against careerists making it in the politics and if you´re against a top-governed society, wake up! Won't you fight for a better country?

Commies lied, commies never fulfilled their dreams for the fatherland!

They are not commies, they are fascists hiding their fascism and Nazism for "communism and socialism". They only care about power and money!

Our first priority have to be to against their fascist imperialism and little cowardice Fascist rats inside!!! They are selfish and will always be.

Support the Constitution, protect the Constitution! Power to citizens! Down with "communist"-fascists!

Support the revolution!

All citizens and workes unite agains they imperialistic and bourgeoisie plans!