POTUS cabinet and Canda PANAM

Day 1,145, 23:56 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States

Halimans Cabinet was announced, here they are.(see between end of headline sand start of proposals). As all of you know the reqest for Canada to join PANAM was rejected. Haliman is now trying to work with the Canadian government to get them to join PANAM. Some people ask why? slosh had this to say “Its awesome, change is always good and erepublik has been stagnant to long.” Meals on wheels had this to say though “ITS RIDICULOUS.” We will folloiw this issue more in the upcoming issues. (next week interview with the current Federalist Party Pres. )

Vice President SGGHays

Chief of Staff Laxsnor
Deputy Chief of Staff
National Security Advisor Colin Lantrip

Minister of Foreign Affairs St Krems
Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Kazeal

Secretary of State Onishi (Kid A)
Deputy Secretary of State Eliwood sain

Secretary of Interior Justin McCravok
Deputy Secretary of Interior Blank Keating
Deputy Secretary of Interior commandokiller
Deputy Secretary of Interior Dan Heylin
Meals on Wheels Syrup
REACH Laxsnor
Education Blank Keating
Mentors Fionia
Human Resources Animis
Shout Squad HobbitTon
Shout Squad Richard Nixon II

Secretary of Treasury PigInZen
Economic Council
Jasper Signa

Secretary of Technology S0beit
Deputy Secretary of Technology Herr Vootsman

Secretary of Media Athanaric
Staff Writer Hadrian X
Staff Writer Hobbitton
Director of the Pony Express Athanaric

Secretary of Defense Speedcat McNasty
Deputy Secretary of Defense Lieutenant Scheisskopf
Director of OMS Jacksondr5
Director of Arm America Alexander_Auctoritas

Congressional Liaison Evan Feinman

Director of CIA Rod Damon

Grand Visor Ligtreb
Presidential Advisor Fionia
Presidential Advisor Cromstar
Presidential Advisor CRoy
Presidential Advisor Gulden Draak
Presidential Advisor Inwegen

Proposed by Haliman, President of USA proposed a mutual protection pact with Greece. Proposed on Day 1,144. Outcome: 13-39
Proposed by Haliman, President of USA proposed a mutual protection pact with Croatia. Proposed on Day 1,145. Prediction: Yes; land slide.
Proposed by Haliman, Do you agree on the text used by the president to welcome new Citizens in your country?' Welcome to the new world! Here is a message from your president (link is faulty). Proposed on Day 1,144. Outcome: Rejected ?-?
Proposed by Animis, Do you agree to transfer 71537 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Proposed on Day1,144 Outcome: Accepted 51-1
Proposed by Iasov, yesterday. Do you agree to transfer 1690 AUD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Day 1,145. Outcome: Accepted 45-3

Uprising of Chongqing vs. USA Outcome: Win
Uprising of SE Ireland vs. USA Outcome: Win

-Editor: Chris Hartman
-Reporter: CaptJustice

Thanks for reading.
E-mail me at The50states@hotmail.com