Poland: You're Doing It Wrong

Day 785, 12:31 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Recently, in response to the poor Polish trolling of our media, PolandBall has gripped the nation. The problem seems to be that the Polish are under the impression that their flag is the wrong way round.

However, they are mistaken. The flag they call their own is actually the flag of the German Province Thuringia .

Thuringian Flag

We must forgive them however, because they are only Poles. (Not meaning to be patronising in any way ( The Polish word is protekcjonalnie for those who haven't mastered long English words yet))

Therefore, it is perfectly acceptable for me to release this Polandball cartoon for your amusement:
(Right Click, View Image)

Thanks, IndieKid
Temporary Commander of the Special Forces


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