Poland, Peru, Eden, War, Peace, and Alliances

Day 736, 10:25 Published in Poland USA by Turd Fergusen

Dear Poland,

It seems that we have a little bit of a problem on our hands. In this article, I will discuss the issue at hand and what I feel to be the best plan of action. Please read and take seriously.

The Situation

I'm sure you are all familiar with the situation, so no need to go in depth. Private Polish militia's such as GROM months back accepted Peruvian citizenship and have PTO'd Peru. Polish militia now has control of the Peruvian congress, and Peruvian presidency, in what was a brilliant show of organization and coordination of citizen groups. The TO groups began a raiding of Peru's resources. Recently Argentina and Brazil have declared war against Peru in order to conquer Peru and purge the congress of Polish TO. Argentina attacked and conquered a few territories. Now it looks like Brazil will jump in. EDEN countries have declared neutrality so far in this conflict although many Spanish citizen have taken arms against Peru in favor of better relations with Argentina, while many Polish and Croatians have taken sides with PTO'd Peru.

Polish Point of View
Poland is a country that really "got the short end of the stick", so to say. For a country of aprox 11000 citizens, they only have six regions and no high resources. Because of this, their economy is faltering. Private citizen militia's recognized this problem and seeked to add wealth to Poland. They accomplished this by PTOing Peru. ALOT of work and a beautiful display of coordination and planning has gone into this PTO, not to mention alot of money. In the end it was a success and Peru started gathering wealth in the name of Poland. Now all this work is being threatened. Deals were being made between Argentina, and the Poles in Peru, by EDEN at a possible solution to this problem. Eden instructed Argentina not to attack. They attacked anyway. Now many Spanish and Greek citizens are fighting for Argentina, instead of their long time allies Poland. This coupled with the fact that most Eden nations are neutral is very irritating to Polish citizens.

The Peruvian/ALA/EDEN point of View
Peru is a relatively new country that first came into existance some months ago. They have a relatively low number of citizens with a developing economy and military. They also have a high iron region. Herein lies our problem. Was it a blessing from the eGods or a curse? Anyways Peru considers itself neutral. They were friendly toward the US during WWIII and even sold their Iron resources to US while we had none. Peru is the only country in South America that declined membership into PEACE. Thus Poland puts EDEN in a very tough spot. EDEN has been, for the past few months, campaigning for the rights of smaller neutral countries, and because of this, has won the alliegience of several countries (Switzerland, Australia, Ukraine, ect) If EDEN supports the Polish attempt to TO Peru, relations with smaller neutral nations will be damaged significantly. exPEACE propaganda will then claim moral supremacy and neutral countries might move away from the EDEN block.

What I think...

Not that my opinion matters much in the big scheme of things, but here is my opinion on what Americans, and EDEN should do.

I believe we should fight for our true allies, Poland!

In WWIII Poland was one of the biggest defenders of the eUS and Canada. They put up tremendous damage and sacrificed alot of gold for tanking. They are our brothers. While I disagree with the original choice of the Polish PTO groups, what was done, is done. Poland REALLY REALLY wants Peru and have invested so much into it, thus we should honor their decision. Peru on the other hand is neutral, and alll signs point to continuing their trend of neutrality, so they aren't worth investing an alliance in. Argentina is an ex member of PEACE and Atlantis. Argentina is an unreliable ally at best. When PEACE threatened them, they chose to join PEACE. Now when PEACE is no more, they are flurting with EDEN. Not to mention Argentina put up a significant amount of damage AGAINST us in many crucial battle during WWIII through their Russian MPP. It is true that many neutral nations of the world may be turned off because of this action, and I hate that. BUT even more important than added new members to EDEN, is maintaining our base. The countries that made this alliance possible. The countries that have fought for eachother, sacrificed for each other. The brotherhood of EDEN is more important than the expansion of EDEN in my view.

I look at things in a very analytical point of view, so if you are offended, I am sorry.

This decision will influence who we (eUS) will possibly have as allies in the coming months. Here is the choice. Poland, or Argentina and Peru. Poland has proven their friendship towards us. Argentina and Peru have not, or in a very limited sense. Poland is a strong country only destined to become stronger. Argentina and Peru are stagnant and weak. Poland is reliable and . Peru and Argentina are not.

Long Live Poland! 😃