PM's Desk- Why I was Banned

Day 555, 19:07 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Afternoon eAustralians,

As many of you know I was temporarily banned yesterday for 24 hours. I thought I would explain the reason below.

Many of you read my article yesterday, 'Scotywest Banned- Sad day for eRepublik'. This article has since been deleted by the admin team for breaking the the following laws:

7. The channel for contacting the eRepublik Team is the official contact form.
7.1 Any accusations or complaints brought to the eRepublik Team via a channel other than the official one is prohibited and will not be addressed.
7.2 Public debates are encouraged in the New World, however public debates and/or complaints regarding the eRepublik team's actions toward one citizen or a group of citizens will not be allowed. Only the eRepublik team has the necessary tools to determine if a citizen or group has made a violation, and public discussion only created to undermine the team's decision will not be permitted.

I accept my ban from the admins wholeheartedly. What I did was wrong and I hope you guys use me as an example to respect eRepublik laws and they admin's decision, because, we obviously don't have the tools to investigate which they have.

In regards to scotywest's banning the admins are firm that scoty has broken an eRepublik rule which is worthy of a perma ban. I have spoken to scoty who still preaches his innocence so as such he has always been a close friend and he will continue as deputy Prime Minister until the end of the term. The admins have also state😛

'We can only be sad that a honest citizen like yourself was manipulated to believe that we did not issue the proper suspension message, and that you broke the eRepublik laws in order to support a cheater.'

It is clear admins are quite firm on this ruling and since they have access to resources and I don't, I ask that Australia accepts this ruling and moves on, no matter how you feel/think on the matter.

They have also informed me account sitting is not allowed, so I urge anyone who is to stop.

In other news, a weekly update from my ministers will be out sometime today.


Prime Minister of Australia