PM's Desk- Looking back on my time in Power

Day 563, 23:53 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hello Australians,

Yes my 2 months have finally come to a close. Its been great serving all of you and I truly believe we have bettered this nation in the process. There have been highs, lows and regrets but overall, I believe it was something that all involved can be proud of. Lets have a look back on what we have achieve😛


AIRRA: The discussing of this was a tense time for all involved. We could have betrayed our newfound friend Indonesia for potentially getting our regions back. However, myself and the Senate stuck to our guns, stood our ground and negotiated towards the best agreement for our regions to be returned to date. Definately my proudest moment and its what I want to be remembered for.

More accountability: This was in the form of the Inspector General, Freedom of Information Act. Keepin the socialists honest, was the goal of this and I think its been going great.

Apprentices: Not an original idea I'll admit but I have been proud on the way it has been working. We have had over 4 apprentices continue into the executive government in the space of 2 months. Apprenticeships is where new talent is found, and I highly recommend this for all new and upcoming pollies.

Wargames: Behind the AIRRA my proudest achievement. We would have never been in PEACE wargames if I didn't contact the right people, in fact I will put it down to luck that i did. Wargames have done some great things for this country and we should always look to continue them.


scoty banne😛 Obviously this hurt both my cabinet and my pride and trust. I think I could have handled the situation better but such is life.

Not getting wiki committee and ASIO up: A campaign promise I didn't deliver on, I feel embarrassed and a feeling of letting you guys down. I vow to get ASIO up this term (as dMoFA or MoFA) and will push hard to get wiki committee up and running.

Redbacks: These fine group of gentlemen/women did not get the respect they deserved in the military reforms. I apolgise immensely for what happened and hopefully we can put it behind us.


Not much but not sticking to my gut feeling at times. To Tim09 if its a 50/50 decision after you weigh up your options, go with your gut. The worst feeling ever is having regrets over something so take this into account.

Once again, thanks Australia for the feedback, love, hate and fun we have had this last 2 months. Its been a great time for myself, getting to meet so many of you, and I hope to continue this into the future.

As the weight of a nation comes off my shoulders, I can't help to feel a little proud of the work we have done, together.

Signing off for the last time as Prime Minister (for now.....),

Prime Minister of Australia