PM's Desk- Backing up my mate, scotywest

Day 543, 06:30 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hello Australia,

There has recently been a lot of buzz and debate in the media about my Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Industry, Scotywest. The issue is that scoty has been messaging Q1 food and grain companies about the price of their goods, which are alarmingly high. Various supporters of the free market have been attacking scoty for doing so. What is important to note is what scoty is doing is under the orders of myself, the Prime Minister of Australia, and please direct all criticism, mud slinging and calling for someones head to me. scoty indeed supports what I have ordered him to do, otherwise he wouldn't be doing it but I ask you to share the abuse. I feel the attacks are unjust, and are an attempt by some to gain political leverage (must be close to an election 😉 ).

Now onto the issue.

There has been pleas for my government to have no intervention in the market place. Anyone who has been in eRepublik for more then 30 days knows this is not only unethical, but it will have a detrimental effect on the economy. For Q1 food to be more then the highest skill 0 wage means new citizens are biting out of their 5AUD citizen fee, which should only be used in dire circumstances. This is what was occurring at the time of scoty's article. The lowest Q1 food was at 1.9AUD and the highest min wage was 1.4AUD. It was within scoty's and this government's duty of care to new players to swing into action and saying otherwise is like neglecting a new born baby.
Now why are the prices rising you ask? Greed. As war games as started many citizens wellness are between 95-100, meaning they only need Q1 food. This obviously saw an increase in demand for Q1 food, and GM's looking to make a quick buck raised their prices. Yes this is an extremely common business practice in Real Life and eRepublik, but a certain amount of responsibility and ethics must be present if you choose to run companies in industries which drive the economy.

It is also important to note that all scoty was doing was requesting GMs of Q1 grain to lower their prices, not force them. He is telling GM's of Q1 food not to buy this grain if it is overpriced. It is possible to get grain down to the price of 0.5AUD, have a look at the other RM industries.

All in all, scoty has done nothing wrong here. Ironically, 3 months ago when I was Minister of Industry the same issue arised when I warned GMs about their prices (article here). The policy was more extreme, and as a result collapsed. However, this less extreme version of the 'boycott issue' will not, and I will continue to endorse scoty and Aussie Vegeta for their hard work.

Thanks all for reading, stay safe, and participate in war games,

Prime Minister of Australia