Please explain

Day 925, 13:14 Published in Belgium United Kingdom by Astrodew

Nearly 3 months ago, in the forum you (Rod) gave us the numbers of 'tactical voters' in Belgium (or rather, out of Belgium). The BLTs, as you called them, were your attempts to reduce voters from each side.
These were the numbers of the top 10 countries:

304 live in Hungary
149 live in Philippines
145 live in Russia
140 live in Poland
125 live in USA
51 live in Spain
36 live in Brazil
27 live in Greece
26 live in Ukraine
23 live in Croatia


You critised how Phoenix refused to reduce voter numbers at all, whereas you seemed more than willing to reduce the number of American voters if there were less from Phoenix.

The numbers of foreign voters is now the following:

USA 170
Russia 53
Hungary 41
Serbia 34
Spain 34
Poland 20
China 17
Romania 12
France 10
Greece 9


Please explain why there are now more US voters than three months ago,and less of every other country. The number of US voters is now 170, equal to more than one third of the entire Belgian votes for May's congress (390). This data is at most 2-3 days old as the graph for Norway shows clearly the effect of Polish occupation.

An English citizen controllig your country