Platform for Country President: Getting Ready for a Storm

Day 863, 18:43 Published in Japan Japan by Faeyas

The main message of my campaign is preparation. There are some changes and new ideas I would like to see implemented, but for the most part these will remain in sectors like culture, where the new updates will have very little effect. These are also the sectors I feel need the most re-working.

For the other sectors like Military, and Economics where this update will hit the hardest, I have asked more stable and well known and well skilled members to man the stations so that we can not only go about business as usual, but that we can depend on it while working to plan for the updates and how we will approach them.

I plan on giving everyone of my Ministers, and congress, an idea of what I would like to see happen, a few ideas and inspirations, but plan to mainly let them do their jobs with very little meddling, and a lot of assistance.

So let’s go through my plan for eJapan should I be elected, but first things first, my cabinet.

Please note that I plan on having a CO run Ministry in Events should Jinnai get back to me before the election. Otherwise it is just Haruhi.


Vice President – Chysamere

The Japanese Election Commission - ExReality

Ministry of Immigration – PlzDaddyNoooo

Ministry of New Player Affairs – Aston

Ministry of Culture and Events – Jinnai (x), Brigade Chief Haruhi Suzumiya

Ministry of Defense – Dokomo

Ministry of Foreign Affairs – Reiji

Ministry of Finance – oligagnon

Ministry of Economics – Daneyo

The Japanese Communication Commission – Cayen

Now onto my platform!

Ministry of Internal Affairs Make Over

One of the major changes I plan on making as president would be a massive re-arrangement of duties concerning the Ministry of Internal Affairs, starting with its immediate dismantling.

In its place the following four entities will exist:

The Japanese Election Commission

Ministry of Immigration

Ministry of New Player Affairs

Ministry of Culture and Events

As everyone can tell this isn’t a very different change up from what we already have, but instead of having so many functions under one roof, I’m simply dividing out that roof into multiple buildings. This will allow for each of these areas to receive unique attention and care without having to answer to a single authority attempting to juggle them all, or masking them from sight.

With this change I am also expecting the roles of these sections to grow, and to become more active in our community.

Stable Base for Change in the Military and Foreign Affairs

It is hard enough to be encountering the massive amounts of changes we will be experiencing from eRepublik here shortly in the new system that I don’t believe now is the time to be shaking up the old and reliable.

Thus I plan on letting those who know what they are doing in these fields stay put since they are the most likely to be able to handle and understand any and all changes with very few issues and problems.

Dokomo has headed our military for two months under Crawling Chaos and I feel that his organization and ability to get our military where it needs to go when is admirable. I also respect the connections he has with our allies, and I wouldn’t want anyone else at the head of our military when things start shaking up.

I will be working with Dokomo to go over all the changes to the military that the eInsider has informed us about so that we can start anticipating and planning for the new complexities we as a country will need to deal with in order to ensure that our soldiers are well armed, our military companies are refreshed appropriately to give us access to a variety of new militaristic abilities, and that we understand the new way war will be fought.

While the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will not be directly hit, it is important to maintain our relationships now more than ever since we may need to rely on to be relied on in the near future due to the update. Reiji has a strong understanding about what our foreign policy is and I know that he will work hard to ensure that our allies are taken care of, and that we maintain open lines of communication where we need them. Therefore I see no reason in changing him out of this role.

About Economics

While this may seem like a changeup, it is really just a desperately needed boost. The Ministry of Trade and Industry will be remade under the name “Ministry of Economics” since that is what it does the best. It monitors economics.

The forum for this ministry is regrettably inactive, which is something I cannot anticipate as a good thing when eRepubliks major update is based mostly in economics. Therefore I feel that there needs to be some changes in it in order to get the ministry not only active, but productive and preparing for the new changes.

I want to have the new ministry contact the business owners in Japan and keep a conversation up with them and ensure that no one misunderstands what is to come. If our companies falter in the transition our economy will take a huge blow, and likely our population will also encounter difficulties. This is not something to take lightly.

The Ministry should also encourage those business owners to talk with their employees. eRepublik has already issued what skills are needed for which businesses. Companies should coordinate their workers to meet these skill needs in order to keep their businesses running without needing to head hunt for new workers with the new skills they need.

The ministry will also be in charge of informing and assisting companies that may struggle with the change over, or that are struggling now, and offer advice and assistance.

Thus it only makes sense that I would like to see the economic board work under the ministry as a form of staffing and diverse group of advisors available for our corporate citizens.

The Language Barrier

As a party president in this country, especially one who talks a bunch to her party, I know that we have many hidden citizens in our midst that want to be active and involved, but feel alienated, lost, or confused, because there is a language barrier.

We are in eJapan, but our main language of business is English. However, we have a handful of members that are bilingual and it doesn’t seem fair that we have the ability to, but yet haven’t attempted to remove that barrier.

I plan on changing this. I would like to invite all of our bilingual members to join a new Commission I want to set up called the Japanese Communication Commission. This commission will be charged with translation of government documents and announcements from English into Japanese. All government updates and orders will hopefully be able to be delivered to the public in both languages, increasing the activity and understanding of our citizen base.

The commission would also be available, should they have time, to assist Party presidents and other citizens with any translation needs they may have.

I hope that with this we will be able to end the language barrier and make eJapan a more accepting and active place.

Naturally however I will need to appoint a new head for this role, I would like to personally ask Cayen of the Desu Worker’s Party to head up this new commission. Cayen is active, well informed, and understands the Japanese language. I trust he will do a good job leading the commission.


It isn’t just the name of a cop in the old west; it’s what I plan on asking all my new ministers and commission officers to have this month.

As the game progresses and we feel stable with the old reliable in certain positions we gradually come to take those players in those roles for granted. Eventually life catches up with us all, and players may begin to feel restless in their jobs and might want to try something new. But without someone equally knowledgeable ready to take the wheel, we often either have to gamble on a new face, or trap the old reliable in the role until someone is trained to do the job.

I don’t like seeing this happen, and furthermore I believe knowledge is power. You may not want to be in that role, but knowing the role can help out in a variety of other ways. It will also encourage interest in a variety of places that at the moment are ignored because you supposedly need x amount of knowledge to think about asking about helping there.

So I want all my ministers and commissions officers to find themselves a deputy. Someone they can train in the role, and someone who can help them as they need. A deputy today can be a great player tomorrow.

Think about it.

I would also like to see a staff list develop for all the ministries. Some already had staff/members such as those in the military serve the Ministry of Defense, and our ambassadors serve the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. But I would like to see all ministries aim for having at least 10 members on staff while I’m president.

Fighting the PTO efforts

I am not a fan of PTOs, I am not a fan of people trying to PTO eJapan. eJapan is my home in this game. I was born here and the last thing I want to see is some other country with some big old idea in their head that eJapan is there for their use, come in here and attempt to take it.

We had a major upset this last election with players moving up Desu Worker’s Party into rank five for their own agenda, tricking its Party President into thinking it was ok to do. We also had a few rogue candidates make it through the elections with questionable backgrounds.

It is clear that other countries are attempting to get involved in our country for their own purposes and are willing to do just about anything sneaky to get away with it. However we do have a defense we can use against these forces.

We can ensure that all running candidates are Okayed by their Party President so that we can ensure that new players can still run, while suspicious characters remain out. The best way to do this is to have a force of mobile voters that can act like ninjas and protect our real candidates from being overtaken. This is the role of the JEC.

Sean has done a respectable job running the JEC, but has admit -ably had issues with gaining membership and numbers to assist him. Numbers are important when it comes to the role of the JEC. It is like a national guard of our country, and like our military, it needs a force behind it in order to have any teeth.

This is why I’m asking exReality to do the job.

exReality has coordinated congress elections and single handedly ensured that ISP, one of the largest parties, was well blocked to avoid PTOers from using the well known name. He can easily contact many citizens and get them to work together to become a force to be reckoned with.
He already has the force behind him that we need the JEC to have. While I hate to see his efforts go away from being able to help ISP secure seats in congress, I believe that the security of our country from PTOers is a much more important cause.

But while the JEC in action is an extremely vital part of its role, I feel that informing the various parties in our country is also an important role. Part of the issue that occurred this month, occurred because of a misunderstanding that was exploited all to easily, a misunderstanding that a few words by a JEC member, could have fixed.

I truly feel that I can serve eJapan well in the capacity of President, and will willingly step down from my position in congress should I be elected.

If there are any questions I will do my best to answer them, so please post them below.

I appreciate your consideration of me as a candidate this month for your president. Thank you for your time, and long live eJapan!
