Plans For The Future - Updates, Features, Interest

Day 650, 07:56 Published in USA USA by t'jelle Bank

The past four months have shown substantial changes and growth for t'jelle Bank. We have a website with individual account information available, higher interest, and more. There is still so much more to do though and we want to let you know what t'jelle Bank is working on, and what the future holds.

Interest Change
The current rule is that deposits must be in your t'jelle Bank account for one month in order to gain interest. If you withdraw the money two weeks before that month is up, you don't gain any interest...and that isn't really fair, it makes a regular account almost like a Certificate of Deposit. We have held off on changing this rule due to the organizational mess it would make. We are currently working on a system that will make it easier, and working on changing the way we record deposit information in order to bring this change to you without glitches.

Forgot Password Option
Anyone who has forgotten their password to login to the bank website is probably jumping for joy right now. The average wait time for forgotten passwords has been a week, and we are highly ashamed of that. We are working on getting an updated login script that will allow you to reset your password.

Loan Website
The system we use for loans requires an application process and individual contacting of everyone we accept the request of, and then manually inputing the loan information into a separate document. Combined with the fact that we get around 20 loan requests daily, one can easily see how stressful it is to manage. We are working on creating a "ticket" like system that will show your current loan requests, and the status of them.
Estimated Release: Early September

Interest Raise
As our reserves slowly increase, we will be able to cover higher deposits and interest rates. We expect to raise interest rates by 1-2%.
Estimated Release: Late October - Early November

Become a Partner / Stock
We are currently debating whether we should allow bank partners (We already have one) or to release common stock. This decision can create a lot of impact on the bank, and as such is not being taken lightly. Gauging profit at a bank is tricky as a lot of the money is in assets, but we do plan on creating some sort of system that will allow more investment options.

Real Time Bank Info
Get detailed information about t'jelle Bank including: Deposits, Interest Due, Profit, Assets, etc as soon as we calculate it on a beautiful and clean interface.
Beta Released