Pierce the Veil: Debts and Qualifications

Day 952, 15:06 Published in USA USA by batterytime

You have undoubtledly heard about the article that AidenAstrup has written on the debt. You have also probably heard about the article that Necrosis/GF has written in response.

As current Secretary of the Treasury, I would like to make the statement that according to our existing records, we do NOT have 12.5k gold in debt. While the true amount cannot be disclosed publically, we have nowhere near the 12.5k gold of debt that Aiden claims. However, I also do not approve of Necrosis/GF's portrayal, given that his article, in itself, is also one of political mudslinging back at AA.

In short: both articles are exaggerated and misleading and the truth lies somewhere between.

Anyhow, after that little public service announcement:

I'm in a unique situation. I've been to the top of the military as a branch second-in-command (I was the founding XO of the Army Group East, now known as the Cavalry) and I've also been to the upper echelons of government, serving as the current SoT in the Choc cabinet. I am experienced in both matters of government AND military, something that few people can say they have accomplished. With my skills in both sectors, I hope to be able to bring about a more unified country in terms of military and non-military, which will be exceedingly crucial as V2 creeps towards us, and absolutely vital once it is released. I have shown not only the skills to lead soldiers numbering in the hundreds, but also to lead the country's economy through the current recession.

Stay tuned for more information!