Phillipines Fiasco - Czech Republik Controversy

Day 523, 07:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Hassan Pesaran

The Czech Republic was taken over by our Paratroopers to get the necessary gold to fund the Military operations. Takeovers happen all over the eWorld, so to find that the eUK is also participating in these now common actions is no surprise, but the way it was carried out and the circumstances that it happened have proved to be controversial and ultimately costly.

To fully appreciate the series of events, we have to go back roughly a month and a half when Big Boy Bulley and a number of other prominent citizens of the eUK chose to leave the eUK and move to the Phillipines to try and help re-establish the ePhillipino Government. Now, they have become fully integrated into the community and are widely respected by the native population.

During this time, the eUK has also come under economic stress. However, our gold reserves have now largely been rebuilt. These reserves have not be deemed enough for mass Military funding, as such a plan was devised by the eUK (Prime Minister and Minister of Defence) to politically take over a small country and take their gold. The Czech Republic was chosen due to their small population and slight PEACE alignments. Thus, the plan was made and Paratroopers were informed, and then sent private messages on the election day to move to the Czech Republik and vote for a specified candidate.

This same month, though, a group of Spanish rebels decided to take over the ePhillipines. They made their intentions very clear. With a few days notice, a number of notable ePhillipinos appealed to the eUK for help. No direct response was made, as far as I am aware, and they were largely ignored with no explanation as to why they had been pushed aside.

Now, in no way is the eUK obliged to help ePhillipines, but since such a large proportion of their population are esteemed members from the eUK's past, you would have though that that friendship alone would have been enough for the eUK to send some kind of aid, however minimal, even releasing an official article to the eUK public appealing to them to assist the ePhillipines. On the contrary, only Sara.Droz campaigned and did all she could as an independent citizen to help the ePhillipines. There was no government backing. As I said, Military backing might not be expected, but when no backing of any sort is given to former citizens, then it is a bit worrying.

The fact that the ePhillipines were shunned aside in favour of a Takeover adds insult to injury. Now, the Military operation was in fact, undoubtedly necessary, and I assisted in it as a Paratrooper. However, the Paratroopers are not the only organisation the eUK which is capable of doing these things. A little government intervention; a post in the forums saying they are giving tickets to people who would move to the ePhillipines and help, would have been enough - anything with the Presidential seal.

Obviously everyone will have their own opinions on this, but I implore people not just to follow their Government blindly and think about how else we could've assisted the ePhillipines. Just because we're not going to assist them Militarily doesn't mean we can't assist them at all

Hassan Pesearn,
Impartial Observer