PEACE Strikes Back

Day 500, 19:04 Published in USA USA by Alex Lawrence

"Without forgiveness life is governed by... an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation."
Roberto Assagioli

Good Evening

Tonight, we cover PEACE's worldwide movements against ATLANTIS' maneuvers yesterday.

Main Article

Romania continued early today to move against PEACE, attacking Qinghai, Iran after its victory in Sichuan. As was predicted, Poland relented to Romania, giving Romania the region of Northern Hungary. Seeing Romania extending itself greatly through many direct and indirect moves, PEACE counterattacked, with Hungary and Indonesia coordinating assaults on Romanian held territories.

Indonesia moved on the newly conquered region of Sichuan, Romania, while Hungary moved to reunite Northern Hungary with the mainland, while at the same time PEACE agents moved into West Siberia and started a resistance war to take the territory from Norway. Romania's over-expansion has hurt prospects for holding all three of these regions, but both formal invasions are only being lost by 20k-40k points, which can be regained in tomorrow's fighting, while West Siberia is still being held strong by the Norwegian army.

In addition, Upper Austria has fallen to Austria, officially ending the Austro-German Union. With only one more Austrian territory being held by the Germans, Austria has almost been completely reformed, excluding for Burgenland and Vorarlberg. Austria's leadership has made it clear that they do not intend on completely reforming the Austrian state, content with letting Hungary continue holding on to Burgenland. This has caused some Austrians to condemn their leadership, headed by Metallon, and given ATLANTIS some fodder to slander PEACE.

Meanwhile, the United States has opened up yet another round of war games in Baja, and signed an alliance with Poland. Scrabman, President of the eUS, is either preparing for another war (training his citizens) or just looking for votes through war wellness. Also, Spain signed a peace treaty with Venezuela, seeing no reason to continue hostilities.

In Other News

Today is the 500th day of Erepublik. Congratulations to everyone!

Presidential elections are tomorrow. Vote conservative if you're undecided 😛

That's all we have for today. Be sure to comment, vote and subscribe! Ad space is available, PM me for details.

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