PEACE on Earth? My Views

Day 607, 14:29 Published in Ireland Philippines by Mr aNiallator

“ The PEACE Global Community shall be established as a defensive alliance that will pursue peace in good faith. ”

(Charter of the PEACE Global Community, Clause 1.3)

This seems like a perfectly good charter of PEACE but delving into it, it comes across that they are starting to be hyprocrites.

In keeping with its name, the PEACE Global Community is charged with establishing peace worldwide. Its mission is written into the Charter.

Is the invasion of Canada being defensive?? Well to me it doesn't.
Its not like Canada was going to carve its way all the way to Jakarta and blow Arthk's brains over their nicely polished headquarters floor. Before one of the PEACE goons replys saying "they are a threat agaisnt peace in the world," attacking first isn't being defensive you unintellectual.

Onwards to my next Point

We agree

That PEACE promises to honour the self determination of Ireland as a neutral nation, governed by her own people, free from external interference. PEACE, nor any of her members, will never attempt to undermine Ireland's sovereign government through political or military take-overs and will play no direct part in Irish affairs provided that the government of Ireland guarantees the same to PEACE and all her members.

-provisionally agreed by Arthk, General Secretary of PEACE GC

-provisionally agreed by Aran Tal, Vice President of Ireland.

This agreement seems very precarious to me. Im thinking of flashbacks of the Munich Agreement (A peace treaty signed by Hitler but snubbed and made the allies look foolish) I feel this is very volatile and could be snubbed at any moment by PEACE.

The big question is can PEACE be trusted?

In my opinion i don't think we can trust a alliance that does not honour its charter and its name!
They are meant to be PEACEkeepers not Warmongers!

Thanks for Reading

Niall H

(Mannimarco please refrain from silly comments)