PEACE - Is PEACE evil?

Day 623, 10:21 Published in Philippines Ireland by romansoldier

My Short answer? No PEACE is not evil.

Im getting fed up of constantly seeing the usual crap spewing out of peoples mouths.

PEACE was set up as a defensive alliance against ATLANTIS now that ATLANTIS is dead everyone is Claiming that PEACE is "evil".

Everyone claiming that only PEACE do PTO's and attack countries....

Every single war open right now on USA/Canada WAS STARTED BY USA/CANADA. They just never took our warnings of "Hey close the battle or it may sneak up on you and bite you". Their response was "Its cheaper if we want to go to war later". Well that showed them didn't it?

People may say "What about Hungary and their PTO Squads?" what do i say? WHAT ABOUT RUSSIA? IRELAND??!?...(they were PTO by the Romanians btw..) and even now PTO's by Romanians supporting USA go on...the new one? Its Thailand they had to merge with Malaysia to keep their land free. Same with Germany, they had to give away ALMOST ALL of their entire country to hungry Because of the Polish.

Then there is Sweden...The whole Reason why ATLANTIS fell to pieces...Everyone here should know the story about that eh?😛

There are a few countries out there that can be viewed as "not evil" we're not one of them. According to the Accusations on PEACE being "evil" we are ALSO considered as "evil"

We Invaded France
We helped Romania Invade The Eastern side of the World
We PTO the Czech Republic

So guys...We're EVIL May as well Join the "Evil" Side

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