PEACE GC changes!

Day 711, 11:39 Published in Russia Hungary by Meteoric

This is the english translation of my article published in Hungary about what and how to change in PEACE GC.

Dear fellow PEACE GC citizens! As we all see, PEACE has problems. Problems, which should be solved as soon as possible, otherwise it will have bad consequences. Here are some of my ideas about how to change. These are MY ideas, and they have no connection with the hungarian government, or any political party! So lets see:

1. PEACEkeepers’ reform

It should be similar to EMC. Much more mobile, with faster reaction time, and increased numbers. I have 2 ideas about how to:

- All the FMs of ALL PEACE members should be part of PEACEkeepers. This way, the armies of the countries would contain only Generals, which means, there will be more money for them, which leads to faster progress in military ranks. Also, more players could join the armies to replace the FMs, especially younger ones. Being part of the army decreases the chance of leaving the game, and they can increase their military rank faster. And as we know, more but „weaker” players also have great power.
- The other way is, that all countries should assign players to the PEACEkeepers, depending on their number of citizens, or army. These should be the strongest players of the country, of course.
Both ways lead to an increased number, and battle pontential. Its also important to have the logistics behind it, I suggest, the countries should take care of the „moving part”, and help in distribution. Depending on the number of players assigned, few ppl should be enough. It’s not neccessary to move the whole army every time, there should be a schedule listing from the strongest players to the weakers, so it will be possible to send the 10-100 strongest to one place and the others to another.

This new PEACEkeeper corps should move depending on the decision of the leaders of PEACE, and if there is no important battle, should remain in their countries or wherever they want to be.

2. Reform of the PEACE’s conquering policy

A PEACE member country should only conquer a territory if she can defend it from the RWs on her own, at least. Of course, the strategically important territories (high regions or other way important territories) should be defended together.

The territories which are strategically important should be defended even if the PEACE treasury should be opened, see below.

3. PEACE treasury

I suggest putting more emphasis on the PEACE treasury. The important battles should be fought from it, at least as much as possible. The right to decide the opening of it goes to the leaders of PEACE.

Every country should donate to this treasury, depending on their GDP. I know, GDP isn’t exactly good in eRep, but at least, it shows something about the economy. The other way is to pay-after-citizen, though the ones dying and low wellness should be cut from the number of citizens when calculating the price. For example, 0,5 gold/citizen/month wouldnt hurt much, but it would give enough money to make PEACEkeepers dangerous.

4. The PTO reform

I suggest to decide which PTO is the most important for the PEACE, and making a gradiation. A less important PTO could only start after the more important is absolutly sure.

Every country should take part in PTOs, the armies at least. This would extremely increase the efficiency of our PTOs.

5. The MPP reform

Every PEACE country should have MPPs with the strongest members. Now it means Hungary, Indonesia, Serbia and Russia. Every other should come after that.

MPP with an enemy country would mean automatic secession from PEACE.

Even if there is no war between a PEACE and an enemy country, trade embargo should be made, and it should be compulsory.

6. Leader change, and name change

As new countries rise, there should be a new leading schematic, which gives more „power” to the rising countries, while still keeps enough „power” in the hands of old countries, to make a balance. I suggest, it should depend on the ACTIVE population of the countries (which means wellness above 40) X average strengh.

After many months, the name of PEACE doesn’t sound the way it sounded months ago, when we fought to liberate countries. Like or not, times changed. We should learn from Atlantis. They started with the new name EDEN, and now, they aren’t the „bad guys” anymore. We should start with a clean sheet too, with a new name, and as you see above, with changes, and new structure.

All in all, we all know changes should be done. Soon. I see that they should lead to a more centralized alliance, which depends more on each other, in military force and financially too, and can make faster decisions. The changes will decide the future of the member countries for months, so think about it.

If you liked it, Vote to the top5, and the original english article (link: [url] [/url] ) too, so it may go to international. You don’t have to sub, since I don’t write too much articles in english (also, sorry for the mistakes) but it would help me reaching MM one day 🙂 Also, I’m open for constructive comments, or PMs. 🙂

Thanks, and best wishes
