Patti11- Manifesto for Prime Minister

Day 529, 21:35 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Hello Citizens,

It has been an extremely busy few days focusing on our foreign relations that I have neglected to write my manifest for this current Prime Ministerial Election. I have to admit the fact that I am the only candidate has left me lax, but I promise I will make this manifest a good one.

Am I capable to Lead Again?

The answer is of course yes, otherwise I would not be writing this manifesto. For the last month I have worked tirelessly as Prime Minister to grow our nation and to make it a better place for all. The last few days are an indication of that, with the help of my cabinet, the Senate and many other notables we have negotiated the release of South Australia, Western Australia, Queensland and Tasmania with Indonesia. I have also written up many important legislation for the country, which can only aid our growth and development. I am more than willing to lead again; it was always my intention to be Prime Minister for 2 months, so I aim to continue my hard work.

Do you still have plans for next month?

Oh yes I have a bag of plans and policies I use for times like this 😉

Last term, I decided to have co-Ministers instead of Ministers and deputies. It worked well for the first few days, but it ended up with no one taking lead and with reduced accountability. I plan to go back to the Minister/deputy system in order to increase accountability and to get things done.

The apprentice scheme worked well last month, but it didn’t reach its full potential. I am going to make it compulsory for at least one minister in each department to have at least one apprentice. These apprentices will be the future leaders in Australian politics, so it is our duty to nurture them.

I also experimented with Senate IRC meetings the last few days and they seemed to go very well. I will try to have these occur weekly, so we can get good discussions done in a short period of time.

Now to a brief outline of plans for some of the busy departments this term.


Widds and Deilos both were rather inactive last month and I take the blame for that. However, their replacement Cheeseball did a spectacular job in the last week, so he will continue to remain in the role. Already the Dropbears and ACAR have a new commander, BenP and Ottogustavo respectively, and they are whipping our military into shape, in preparation for the war games we are having in the next 3 to 5 days. Look out for the guides to fight, and remember only fight from NSW.
The Military will be kept on its toes next month and I encourage everyone to join. Benefits go with joining the military so get on board!

Foreign Affairs

With Vincent Grey gone without a trace last month this department was in disarray as he held all the information and plans. However, with the great zaney at the helm this will be one hell of an active department. Plans for this month included the establishment of a Spy Agency, to protect Australia’s interests and national security. Get on board if you can speak another language. You never know, you could be a saviour to Australia! 😉

This is going to be huge this month and it needs to be, as our population is declining. We are fast tracking eMentor this month, and we have already created the IRC channel #eMentor. New citizens will be able to come here and get quick, real time knowledge from our experienced players.
Other projects are the establishment of a Wiki Committee, as Australia will be getting a wiki for and the creation of the Committee for Technological Advancement. Here our best coders will get together to develop useful tools to better our great nation.

Social Services

With wargames going on we are now going to gift people up to 40 and offer them a moving ticket to NSW. We are researching ways to make this as effective as possible.

Other Information

There will also be the creation of a new department, Minister of Information, but I will elaborate on that a bit more in my cabinet article.

This term is going to be a term for everyone to advance their military and political career. We have wargames, 2 new committees, a spy agency and apprenticeships available. You would be nuts not to get involved this term and I urge everybody to get on board.

Thanks for your time and subscribe so you don’t miss my cabinet article tomorrow,

Prime Minister of Australia