Patti11- Cabinet May 09

Day 531, 05:58 Published in Australia Australia by patti11

Good Evening Australians,

Presenting my Cabinet for May 09. There will be no co Ministers like last term, just Ministers and deputies and of course apprentices 😉

Prime Minister:
Patti11 (well duh 😉 )

Deputy Prime Minister: scotywest

Department of Finance

Minister for Finance: Tim09
Deputy Minister for Finance: Ranger Bob

Department of Defence

Minister for Defence: Cottus Arci
Deputy Minister for Defence: Cheeseball

Department for Foreign Affairs

Minister for Foreign Affairs: Zaney
Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs: Mouj

Department for Industry

Minister for Industry: scotywest
Deputy Minister for Industry: Aussie Vegeta

Department for Social Services

Minister for Social Services: Br0adside
Deputy Minister for Social Services: Timothy Rogers

Department of Culture

Minister for Culture: StewartB
Minister for Culture: Derek Apollyon

and finally, our new Department:

Department for Information

Minister for Information: Xavier Griffith
Deputy Minister for Information: Maverick Goh


We have 5 new cabinet ministers this term, Aussie Vegeta, Timothy Rogers, Maverick Goh, Xavier Griffith and Tim09. AV and TR were both apprentices last term so they are living proof apprenticeships get you place. Both proved they are hard workers and are willing to put the hard yards in.
Maverick Goh was scouted from the Senate and his role in the new Department, Information is well suited to his character. MG has has great PR skills for a role which is very people based and he possesses the skills to learn new things fast. I wish all our new Cabinet Ministers the best of luck this term.
Xavier Griffith was the Senate Speaker for 2 months and received an Order of Australia-Officer for services to the Senate. 'Nuff said.
Tim09 is Tim09. More then 'nuff said. 😉

The new Department, Department of Information will focus on getting Senate information to the public. The Department will also work closely with the Inspector General to get as much information out to the people as possible.

Thanks for your time,

Prime Minister of Australia