Past and Future

Day 1,275, 16:33 Published in New Zealand New Zealand by Gil-games

I dedicate this, to my frien😛 Oboacer

Hail eNew Zeeland!

The events are speeding up! In the past few days we were betrayed and attacked too. We lost three regions and won a heavy battle against our foes. Our RW freed Canterbury and no we are i charge! All these things happened in a week or so.
Great articles were wrote about these events....Remember Otago...and...Canterbuty RW. (awesome stuffs)

But now we must focus on our future...
There is two way ahea😛
If we win at Zona Sur then we can push further and will have more space to move, even to conquer eChile looks solvable.
But if we loose this battle, then we loose the initiative too. Then eChile will hit back and eArgentina are preparing to renew our war.

I don`t know what to think about our chances against them. We`ve showed the world that worth more then a single line in their battle-riports (like: NZ lost Wellington to Argentines.) But right now we can`t do an "Otago" every day! Yes, we can do a lot day by day, but now they are stronger. Only until we beat them one day. I hope this day is closer then I expect!

So we made a nice going, but keep on this end the Kiwiland will be free again!

Hail NZ!!!
Hail NZDF and others
Hail All Kiwi
