Party president elections day | Winners

Day 1,091, 11:19 Published in Denmark Croatia by Plokite

Here are the current results of the Party president electons in Denmark :

15th of November

Great Two Fish Ovens (curently named'' Vote Sasori5'' ) :
1. Hurkancs 12(No. of votes) 92.31(% of votes)
2. Miko789 1(No. of votes) 7.69(% of votes)

Total votes: 13 Presence: 39.39%
Hurkancs is official candidate and everythign went fine 🙂

Danish Patriot Party(curently named ''Vote Sasori5'' :
1. seleboy 13(No. of votes) 52.00(% of votes)
2. Sasori5 8(No. of votes) 32.00(% of votes)
3. Mocoman14 4(No. of votes) 16.00(% of votes)

Total votes: 25 Presence: 92.59%
Sasori5 was official candidate.But he will not win :/
It is sad that a noob experience level 16 will run this great party.
TO was succsesfull 🙁

HrBjorn party(curently named ''HrBjorn votes HrBjorn'' :
1. HrBjorn 5(No. of votes) 100(% of votes)
2. Sani 0(No. of votes) 00.00(% of votes)

Total votes: 5 Presence: 23.81%
HrBjorn is official candidate. And he will win 🙂.


Great Two Fish Ovens :
Winner: Hurkancs 14 (No. of votes) 93.33(% of votes)

Danish Patriot Party :
Winner: Sasori5 23 (No. of votes) 53.49 (% of votes)

HrBjorn party :
Winner: HrBjorn 6(No. of votes) 100(% of votes)

All official candidates were winners in all three parties. There was a thread of TO , but thanks god it was successfuly stoped.

Next elections
25th of November - Congress

Thanks for reading !!